Page 81 of Venom & Vengeance

“It is.”

“I just want to make sure I understand this correctly; you’d rather us both be tortured by our own horniness, when instead you could have your way with me right now.”

“I’m thinking of hours from now, when you’re so horny you can barely contain it, and we get back here and you jump me like you’ll die if I’m not inside you.”

“Oh.” I blinked. “That sounds good too.”


Willa and Dukelived out in horse country. When I climbed off the back of Viper’s bike, I breathed a sigh of relief. I hadn’t realized how cooped up I’d been in the clubhouse.

Viper cut the engine and then swung his leg over the motorcycle. He grabbed the plastic bag with dessert from his handlebar.

I might’ve been homeless, accepting the kindness of the club, but that didn’t mean I was going to show up to dinner empty-handed.

We walked up the porch steps and I rang the bell.

A moment later, a red-haired teenage girl opened the door. “Hi, Sutton,” she greeted.

“Oh, uh, hi.”

She grinned. “I’m Willa’s sister, Waverly. I know all about you. Hi, Viper!”

He grunted.

I elbowed him in the ribs. “Say hello like a normal person. Sheesh.”

“Hello,” Viper said flatly.

“Come on in.” Waverly stepped back and let us into the foyer.

I glanced at Viper, who immediately winked at me. I couldn’t help the smile of amusement.

“Everyone’s in the kitchen,” Waverly said.

We followed her down the hallway into the large room. Duke and Savage were at the kitchen table. There was a man sitting with them who I didn’t recognize. Upon closer inspection, I realized he was a teenager too. Waverly walked over to him and immediately plopped down onto his lap. He looked at her with adoration.

“This is my boyfriend, Dylan,” she said. “Dylan, Sutton. Sutton, Dylan.”

“Nice to meet you,” I said.

“Dylan and Viper have already met,” she explained.

“Can I get you guys something to drink?” Duke asked.

“A soda would be great, if you have it,” I said.

“We have it,” Duke assured me. “Viper?”

“Beer’s fine.” He set the grocery bag onto the island.

“Where’s Willa?” I asked.

Savage sniggered. “Puking her guts up.”

I frowned. “And that’s something to laugh about?”

“She’s pregnant.” Waverly rolled her eyes and flicked Savage’s ear. “And this asshole thinks it’s funny.”