Page 74 of Venom & Vengeance

Savageand a few brothers whose names I didn’t remember were sitting in the living room, chowing down on food.

“You just missed Brooklyn,” Savage said. “She had to get back to the bakery.”

“Bummer. I would’ve liked to thank her for bringing over the food.” I went into the kitchen and started opening cabinets, looking for plates.

“You’ll meet her soon,” Savage said. “She said she understood, though.”

“Understood what?” I asked as I avoided the quiche and took only bacon strips and sausage patties.

“Why she didn’t get to meet you.” Savage picked up a pastry-looking thing and took a bite. “She knew you were having sex with Viper, and she totally didn’t blame you.”

I blinked, my gaze darting from Savage to the other guys in the room who were sniggering.

Savage winked at me, clearly trying to get my goat and embarrass me.

Well, I liked to play with fire.

“There are very few things in life better than a morning screw,” I said. “You might want to look into it. Anyone need anything while I’m still standing?”

They shook their heads.

“Where’s Viper?” Savage asked. “Did he fall asleep after you had your way with him?”

“Okay, enough,” I stated.

“Sorry, darlin’,” a dark-haired man said. “But if you stay here, your business iseveryone’sbusiness.”

“Which one are you?” I asked.


“Bones. I could make things very unpleasant for you.”

He leaned back in the recliner. “You gonna sic Viper on me?” he grinned. “He’s my boy. We’ve been brothers for years.”

I took a bite of bacon and chewed it before answering. “The next party you guys have where there’s some random woman sucking your tongue into her mouth like a vacuum, I’m going to tell her you’ve got a very contagious, very prominent rash that two rounds of antibiotics couldn’t cure.”

Bones blinked blue eyes and then grinned. “Well played.”

“Thank you.” I beamed.

“Come sit over here, darlin’. Right on my lap will be fine,” another biker said, patting his knee. “Let’s get better acquainted and see if I can convince you to throw Viper over for me.”

“And you are?” I asked.


“Hmm. I don’t want to be the cause of any bloodshed, so I think I’ll eat over here. And for the record, I’m with Viper, so no funny business from any of ya.”

“No woman is everwithViper,” Bones said. “He doesn’t put up with their shit.”

“I’ll gladly put up with your shit,” Smoke flirted.

“I put up with her shit just fine,” Viper announced, the trod of his heavy boots across the floor.

“You do, don’t you?” I batted my lashes at him and then handed him an empty plate. “Wasn’t sure what you wanted.”

“I’ll get it.” He took the plate and filled it. Then he came to stand behind me, caging me between him and the counter.