Page 75 of Venom & Vengeance

“Well, fuck me,” Smoke murmured.

“No thanks,” Savage drawled.

“Viper seems almost…” Bones trailed off.

“Almost what?” Viper demanded.

“Tame,” Smoke said. “Right? Like he’s speaking in full sentences.”

“She tamed the beast,” Bones said in agreement.

“That’s what I said!” Savage quipped.

I looked up at Viper. “Eggs and blood don’t go well together.”

I would know.

“You would deny me the joy of punching them in the face?” Viper asked.

“Postponed gratification,” I said.

Viper sighed. “I can wait.”

“She didn’t just tame the wild beast,” Bones said. “She slayed the dragon.”

“The grumpy as fuck dragon,” Smoke said. “It’s amazing what some tail will do to a man.”

Viper slammed his plate onto the counter and stormed across the living room to a grinning Smoke. He grabbed Smoke by the shirt collar and effortlessly hauled him up. “She’s not tail, fucker. Show a little respect.”

Viper released Smoke and then stormed outside, slamming the front door.

The living room was quiet for a moment and then Smoke started to laugh. Savage and Bones followed suit.

“I don’t get it,” I said.

“You will, half-pint. You will,” Savage retorted.

With a frown, I grabbed my plate, filled it again with some more food, and went out to the front porch.

Viper stood at the railing, staring out toward the gate of the clubhouse. I didn’t say anything as I went to stand next to him. I set the plate of food in front of him.

“I’ve never had a man defend my honor. Gotta say, I’m a fan.”

The corner of his mouth twitched.

I reached up to touch it. “Come on. Smile. I know you want to.”

Viper’s lips pulled into a grin.

“Ah, there it is.” I dropped my finger and stayed next to him.

He picked up the fork and began to eat.

“Why do you live at the clubhouse if you don’t like everyone being in your shit?” I asked.

“Before you got here, I didn’t have any shit. Now my shit is front and center, and I’m not used to it. That means you, by the way.”

“Iamwearing very cute jeans.” I wiggled my butt like I had tail feathers. “You shouldn’t let them get to you. They were just trying to rile you up like friends do.”