Page 6 of Venom & Vengeance

Actually grunted.

“Seriously?” I demanded.

“Get on,” he ordered. His voice was low and growly. It washed over my skin and goose bumps rose all along my arms.

I slid on the back of his bike and fiddled with my purse, so it rested against my tailbone. Viper reached an arm around and gripped my thigh, causing me to jump.

“Scoot closer. Wrap your arms around me. And for fuck’s sake, hang on.”

“Ah, so youcanstring a sentence together.”

“That was three sentences.”

A flicker of a smile appeared on my lips. As I moved closer to him, he turned on the engine. The vibration between my legs was a pleasant surprise and I tried not to think about it.

I draped my arms around Viper, enjoying the scent of his leather cut permeating my senses.

He kicked up the stand and then we zoomed out of the trailer park.

I was riding on the back of a motorcycle with a strange biker after having just killed a man.

It was terrifying.

And thrilling.

I’d never felt more alive.


Viper turnedhis bike down a street and came to a stop in front of a diner called Boots.

It was in a part of town I never went to, so I wasn’t familiar with it. I climbed off his motorcycle and looked through the big front window of the restaurant. There were a few customers sitting in booths and on the stools at the counter, but it wasn’t crowded this time of night.

Viper cut the engine and kicked out the stand. And then he climbed off his bike, standing at his full height.

I tilted my head back to stare up at him.

He reached out and unclipped the helmet, removing it for me and placing it on his seat.

I quickly pulled my messy brown hair up into a haphazard ponytail. Viper’s eyes never left me.

It was unnerving.

Men had looked at me before. But not like this. Not like every move I made was fascinating.

Without a word, I turned away and marched to the front door of the diner. I pulled it open and stepped inside, Viper not far behind me.

The woman at the counter looked up from pouring a cup of coffee for a customer and her eyes widened.

“Table for two please,” I said with a bright smile. “In the corner, if you have it.”

“Sure thing,” she said, her gaze darting from me to Viper.

I wrapped my arm around Viper’s middle and snuggled into his side. “We’re on our first date.”

Viper tensed from my touch, but I ignored it.

The waitress closed her jaw and pasted on a smile. “Wonderful. Follow me.”