Page 7 of Venom & Vengeance

I dropped my arm from around Viper and trekked after her. She showed us to a relatively private booth in the corner.

“Menus are there.” She pointed to the red laminate menus stuck between the ketchup bottle and the salt and pepper shakers. “I’ll be back in a few.”

She scampered off, leaving us alone.

I tossed my purse into the corner and took a seat. Viper slid in across from me. Even sitting down, he was huge.

“Flying on planes must be really uncomfortable for you,” I stated.

His brown eyes surveyed me. “I don’t fly on planes.”


“No. Is your phone on?”


“Will you hear it if it rings?”

“Yes.” I frowned. “Why?”

“Get you something to drink?” the waitress asked, interrupting our exchange.

Viper didn’t speak, clearly waiting on me to give my order first. “Coffee, please. What kind of pie do you have tonight?”

“Cherry and peach.”

“Peach, please.”

She nodded. “You want any ice cream with that?”

“Vanilla bean if you have it. If not then no, I’m good.”

“No vanilla bean,” she said.

“Then just the pie, thanks.”

Viper hadn’t taken his eyes off me the entire time I was ordering.

“And for you…sir?” she added.

“Coffee for me, too,” he said.

I glared at him.

The corner of his mouth seemed to twitch. “Please.”

“I’ll be right back with that for you,” she said. She sailed away, leaving us alone again.

“So why do I have to leave my phone on ring?” I asked.

“Your order.”

I frowned in confusion. “My what?”

“Pie and ice cream.”

“What about it?”