Page 193 of Venom & Vengeance

“She has the club,” I pointed out.

Willa and Duke were watching us, but not saying anything.

“It’s not the same, and you know it,” Raze said.

I peered at him. “You like her. Don’t you?”

“Sure I like her. What’s not to like? She’s strong. Smart. Gorgeous. Understands the life. And that kid of hers is adorable.”

“Her kid is cute,” I agreed. “Does that mean…wait…are you considering making her your Old Lady?”

“Fuck no,” he said quietly. “Nothing’s going on between us. And she’s not the kind of woman you fuck around with casually. But we’re friends.”


“Why are you repeating everything I say?” he demanded.

“Just trying to wrap my brain around what’s going on there.”

“Nothing’s going on,” he insisted. “But I like her, all right? And I just want to make sure she’s okay.”

I pulled out my phone and searched through my contacts for Rach’s number. I showed him my cell.

“Ask her yourself,” I said.

He looked at me for a second and then nodded before plugging her number into his cell. He dialed and put the phone to his ear and then got up and strode to the other end of waiting room.

“Playing cupid?” Duke asked.

“Nothing so blatant,” I said. “But pushing them toward one another and letting them figure out? That, I’ll do.”

“You’re meddling where you shouldn’t meddle,” Willa said. “Rach isn’t ready for another relationship.”

“Did she tell you that?” I asked.

“Well, no.”

“Then how do you know?”

“Point taken,” she drawled.

While Raze was still on the phone, the doctor came into the waiting room. Willa immediately lifted her head off Duke’s shoulder and stood. Duke rose too.

Raze said something into his phone and then hung up and came to join us.

“Ms. Woods?” the doctor asked, looking at Willa mistakenly.

“That’s me,” I said.

“Follow me, please. Viper asked for you.”

“Oh, sure,” I said, shooting Willa a look of commiseration.

She collapsed back into the chair and threaded her fingers through her hair.

“Fuck this,” Duke growled. “I’ll go talk to the nurse again.”

“Be nice,” Willa called.