Page 194 of Venom & Vengeance

“I’m always nice.”

The doctor glanced at me in confusion, so I explained. “We’re waiting on news of another friend who’s in surgery. They thought you were coming to talk to them.”

“I see,” the doctor said.

We headed down the hallway to an exam room. The doctor opened the door and held it for me.

Viper was sitting on an exam table, wearing a hospital gown over his jeans. I immediately went to his side.

The doctor pulled out a tablet from his coat pocket and tapped the screen.

“You have a few broken ribs,” he said. “They’re bad enough I’m sure you’re in pain, but no surgery is required. And, there’s no internal bleeding. That’s the important part. Your ribs will heal in about six to eight weeks, and depending on your pain threshold, I can prescribe you medication if aspirin and ibuprofen don’t cut it. You’ll want to minimize movement as much as possible. If you need, you can wrap your ribs with a medical bandage, but frankly it’s going to hurt every time you breathe for a while. The real goal is to take it easy on yourself.”

“What about sex?” Viper asked.

“Viper,” I muttered with a roll of my eyes.

The doctor smiled. “If you can handle the pain, go for it. But you might have to experiment with certain positions to find what works for you.”

“I have no problem experimenting,” Viper said as he lowered himself off the exam table.

“Shut up,” I growled. “I’d elbow you, but your ribs…”

The doctor chuckled. “Just remember, resting is the goal for a while. No strenuous activity for at least a week.” He walked with us into the hallway, but then left us at the nurse’s station.

Viper signed his discharge papers and then we headed back toward the waiting room. There was still no news about Savage.

We offered to stay with them, but Duke told us to go home. Said he’d call when there was an update.

By the time I got Viper back to the clubhouse, the sun was coming up. Everything was quiet and no one was awake in the living room.

We went up to our room and Viper all but collapsed onto the bed. His face was etched with pain, but he didn’t make a sound.

I knelt on the floor and began unlacing his boots.

“I can do that.”

“Let me take care of you,” I said, continuing my ministrations.

“Are you going to take care of me in another way?”

I set one of his boots aside. “Maybe after I’ve had a few hours of sleep. You need some rest too.”

His other boot joined its mate and then I went for the button on his jeans, and then his fly. I eased his pants off him and then helped him remove the hospital gown.

“You can’t do this for me for the next few weeks,” Viper said.

“I know you won’t let me, but for now, I’m helping. Just until you no longer grimace every time you move.”

Viper’s phone vibrated and I grabbed it for him off the nightstand.

He looked at the screen and then let out a sigh of relief. “Savage made it out of surgery. He’s alive.”

“Oh.” Air left my lungs. “Good. That’s good, right?”

“That’s good. Now we wait and see. He’s a fighter. He’ll pull through.” He set his phone aside. “I need a shower before I crash.”

“Want some company?” I asked.