Page 186 of Venom & Vengeance

Zip handed me a shotgun, his mouth quirking into a little smile. “I’ve seen you at target practice. I know you can handle yourself.”

I grasped the shotgun and said, “We’ll hold down the fort.”

I looked at Viper, who was peering at me with pride in his eyes. He grasped the back of my neck and leaned in to kiss me. I kissed him back with all the love I hadn’t verbally expressed, wanting him to know exactly how I felt.

When I pulled away, Raze was smiling at me. No doubt he’d heard us earlier.

“When’s your birthday?” I demanded.

“Mine?” Raze asked.

“Yeah. Yours.”

“Later this month, why?”

“I’m buying you a pair of noise-cancelling headphones,” I said.

Brooklyn threw herself into Slash’s arms. He whispered something against her hair, and she nodded. She kissed him and then pulled back, straightening her resolve. Slash lovingly stole a hand across her belly before heading outside.

Willa, Savage and Duke were in a three-way hug, but Savage stepped back after a moment, giving the couple time to themselves.

Sailor looked forlornly at Acid but made no move to go to him. He glanced at her and clenched his jaw before turning around and heading outside, Savage behind him.

Zip leaned down and brushed his lips across his son’s head before staring deep into Joni’s eyes. She grazed her hand along his cheek and kissed his mouth. She then turned to her brother.

Colt seemed reluctant to let go of Mia, but he finally dropped his arm from around his wife to embrace his sister and nephew.

Gray had Darcy pinned against the counter and his hand was gripping the back of her neck. They’d been married the longest, had two children together, and still they only had eyes for one another.

Darcy said something softly that caused Gray to bend his head back, laughter escaping his mouth.

The sound momentarily eased the tension in the room, and I took a deep breath.

I faced Viper. There was nothing to say to him, nothing I could say that would make this any easier.

His mind needed to be clear. He had to ride with his brothers without thoughts of me clogging his brain.

So I stood on my toes and tilted my head back.

Viper devoured my mouth, kissing me like it was his absolution.

Without a word, he strode from the clubhouse and went to join his brothers.

Finally, it was just the women and children.

“Why do I feel like Penelope waiting for Odysseus to come home?” Brooklyn asked.

No one replied.

We listened to the rumble of motorcycles as they faded into the distance.

“I guess we should get back down to the theater room,” Waverly said.

Waverly and Sailor were going to keep the kids entertained and watch over the babies, even though most of them were already asleep.

Joni set her son into his carrier and handed him off to Waverly. “You sure you guys can handle all the infants?”

“They’re sharing cribs and all the breast milk in the fridge is labeled,” Sailor said. “We’ve got this. Don’t worry about a thing.”