Page 187 of Venom & Vengeance

“Lock the door behind you,” Willa said.

The door to the theater room closed, followed by the sounds of the girls’ footsteps.

“Get comfortable, kids,” Mia said. “It’s gonna be a while.”


We satin relative silence for hours, armed to the teeth. Brooklyn squirmed with discomfort and finally excused herself to go to the bathroom.

Doc paced back and forth down the hallway, every now and again going into the office, no doubt to check her supplies, even though she’d already checked her stash several times.

“So,” Mia said, forcing a smile. “Sutton. Is being an Old Lady everything you thought it would be?”

I stroked the shotgun strewn across my lap. “Everything and more. I never thought they’d ask us to defend the castle, though.”

“Is it too late to put in for a moat?” Willa joked with a strained smile.

“We need a dragon,” Allison said. “Perhaps some trebuchets.”

“What about Viper?” I suggested. “He’s got a fierce scowl.”

“He’s not so scowly now,” Joni commented. “You did a number on him.”

“I hope—”

“Wait,” Mia said. “Quiet a second.”

I clamped my mouth shut.

“You hear that?” Mia asked.

“Motorcycles,” Darcy said, standing up from her chair and heading to the front door.

“Don’t open it,” Joni commanded.

“I wasn’t. Damn, I wish I could see out there, but it’s too dark.”

We fell silent again and listened. There were no sounds of struggle at the gates, no scuffles or gunshots.

Everyone stood up as we waited for the men to come through the front door. It was as if we all were collectively holding our breaths.

The growl of engines ceased and then I heard heavy boots clomping up the porch steps.

“It’s us,” Colt stated. “Let us in.”

Darcy unlocked the door and opened it before moving out of the way as a flood of bikers poured into the living room.

Viper’s head appeared through the doorway and my grip tightened on the shotgun. My muscles trembled as we rushed toward each other.

He had a gash along his forehead and the corner of his mouth was bleeding, but he wasn’t riddled with bullet holes or stab wounds. I leaned the shotgun against a wall and then dashed to him, colliding into his body.

Viper grunted.

“Oh shit. Did I hurt you?” I asked, immediately pulling back.

He yanked me forward. “My ribs are a little sore. Don’t let that stop you.”

I wrapped my arms around him but was mindful not to squeeze him.