Page 141 of Venom & Vengeance

Viper threw an arm around my shoulder and tugged me into his side. “The law in Texas allows us to defend ourselves, and this was a clear case of self-defense. Even Vance said I didn’t need to hold back when talking to the cops. Between a few witnesses and the cameras, this thing is cut and dry.”

It was clear we couldn’t speak about anything club-related until we were in private, but I felt better hearing what he’d said. My mind was still reeling from the commotion and the sudden loss of South Paw.

Mia’s statement didn’t take long, and before I knew it, I was sitting next to Vance and communicating to the detective myself. Vance had told me to tell the police exactly what happened, and not to hold anything back exceptwhyI thought any of it had happened. He said to keep it simple.

“You didn’t recognize him?” the detective asked.

I shook my head.

“And you have no idea why someone would target either of you?”

In fact, I had a very good idea about why someone would target us, but I’d have that conversation with the club later.

Again, I shook my head.

The detective scribbled a few notes on his notepad before sticking it in his pocket. “Okay, thank you. You’re free to go. I’ll be in touch with your attorney if we have any more questions.”

Vance scooted out of the booth so I could climb out behind him.

“Let’s take a look at the security feed,” the detective said.

Vance accompanied the detective and they went to Mia, who sat in a chair at one of the tables in the center of the room. Colt’s hand was on her shoulder.

As the detective spoke to them, Viper slipped away and came to meet me. I leaned against the table in the booth, my eyes wandering back to the spot on the floor where the body of South Paw used to be, and then back to the bar where he’d been shot right in front of me.

“Shouldn’t be too much longer,” Viper said.

“It’s okay,” I said quietly.

He didn’t respond. He just moved to stand next to me. Our arms brushed and I derived a strange sort of comfort from Viper not being overly soft with me. In that moment, I was still functioning. I was still keeping it together. Who knew what would happen if he offered me some measure of comfort…

Or maybe he was waiting until we were alone to say what he really wanted to say.

And then our eyes met, and he said more in that look than he could ever say with words.


There were no charges,and we were free to leave. The cops said they’d look into the gunman’s identity and that if anything came of it, they’d get back to us. For now, we’d just have to wait and see. But his true identity didn’t matter. This had the cartel written all over it.

Why else would someone come into Mia’s bar, where bikers were known to hang out, and try and gun down the president’s wife?

Someone was proving a point.

The parking lot was swarming with bikers. They sat on their motorcycles, and with hooded eyes, watched as the four of us crossed the parking lot.

“I have to go to the hospital,” Mia said to her husband. “The bleeding has stopped, but the EMTs are insisting I need stitches.”

“Doc,” Colt said. “Doc can take care of you at the clubhouse.”

“I’ll get her,” Boxer said, his voice tight. “What happened to Mia?”

“Bottle broke when I fell. Glass cut my arm.” She lifted her arm to show the boys. “And really, I don’t mind going to the hospital. I don’t want to bother Doc—”

“You’re kidding, right?” Boxer asked. “You’re family.”

Mia sighed. “Okay.”

“Ride for the clubhouse,” Colt said. “We’ll follow in the truck.”