Page 142 of Venom & Vengeance

Viper led me to his bike. What I wouldn’t give to be in a real car where I didn’t have to hold on to Viper. I wanted the protection of a metal vehicle, not the open skies and asphalt.

But I wanted to be with Viper more than I wanted to beg to sit in the back of Mia and Colt’s truck. Plus, they needed time together.

I snapped the helmet buckle, made sure it was tight enough, and then climbed onto the back of Viper’s motorcycle.

He revved the engine and then tore out of the parking lot. My arms were around him as we zoomed toward the clubhouse.

How fast life changed. I’d been happy that afternoon. Smiling, laughing, joking with Mia. And it had ended with death and carnage, and a sick feeling lodged in the pit of my stomach about what the future held.

The gates of the clubhouse were being guarded by two men I didn’t know—prospects, I assumed. It only reminded me that I’d never see South Paw standing at the gates again.

The thought made me indescribably sad. I hadn’t known South Paw very long or very well, but every interaction I’d had with him had been pleasant, jovial. I was slowly becoming accustomed to the club. Maybe I was never meant to know South Paw. Now I never would.

Viper parked in the gravel lot near the clubhouse, quickly followed by several other brothers who’d trailed us home from the bar.

He cut the engine and I climbed off. I slowly removed the helmet and handed it to him. His eyes met mine. They looked dark and glassy in the lighting in front of the clubhouse.

Colt’s truck came through the gates, and he parked far enough away not to interfere with any of the motorcycles. He got out of the driver’s side, and then the passenger side door opened.

“Woman, wait,” Colt growled.

“I’m fine, Colt,” Mia insisted. “Don’t treat me like an invalid. I’ve got it.”

“I’ll treat you any damn way I please. You’re injured. Let me take care of you, for Christ’s sake.”

“You text Waverly?” she asked.

“Kids are fine,” he muttered. “Sailor’s helping out and Acid hasn’t moved from his spot outside the house. Let’s worry about you.”

“Bourbon,” Mia said. “I don’t want Doc stitching me up without a drink first.”

“You sure that’s a good idea?” he asked.

“I pumped for the baby before I went to work. Scarlett has plenty of food stockpiled,” she said.

“Andthey’re talking about breast milk,” Savage said as he came up the walkway. “I need a drink.”

“Breast milk and bourbon? That’s a new one,” I quipped.

Mia laughed. “I thought nothing fazed you, Savage.”

“Nothing fazes me. It was meant to be two separate thoughts that got crammed together,” he said, his mouth pinching. “The drink is to toast South Paw.”

Any levity that had been brewing suddenly drained out of the group. I noticed that a few of the married brothers weren’t present. They must’ve been home with their wives and children. But the South Dakota boys, along with Crow, had been in the bar parking lot and were now at the clubhouse. The mood was angry and somber.

“How you doing, doll?” Mia asked as she came to stand by me.

“I’m okay,” I said quietly. “Sad though. Real fucking sad.” I glanced at Crow, whose features were tight with controlled pain. He’d just patched in with South Paw, and it was clear they had been good friends. I couldn’t imagine how he was taking the news.

“It’s tragic,” Mia agreed. “He tried to protect us. Went for his gun and then…”

“He died with honor,” Colt said grimly. “Went out trying to protect the club. That’s all any of us could ever hope for. A good death.”

Mia looked at Viper. “Did I get a chance to thank you?”

Viper shook his head. “You don’t have to thank me. I did what I had to do.”

“Thank you, all the same.” Mia grabbed Viper’s hand and gave it a squeeze.