Page 134 of Venom & Vengeance

“I don’t snuggle,” he protested.

“No? What do you call what we’re doing right now?”

“Post-coital cuddling.”

I scooted down the bed and found the back of his knee and ran my finger in his ticklish spot.

“Hey, cut that out. You’re not supposed to use my weakness against me.”

“But it’s so fun watching a big guy like you squirm,” I teased. “I’ll try to control myself.”

“Glad to hear it.” He pulled me into his arms again.

I was dreamily floating to sleep when he murmured, “Don’t feel sorry for me, Sutton. I don’t regret what I did. Five years in prison was worth it. For Chloe. The only thing I regret was that he didn’t die. Besides, I’m free now, living the life I want to live. How many people can say that?”

“Not enough,” I replied.

“Are you living the life you want to live?”

“I’m twenty-two. My life is just getting started.”

“You didn’t answer the question.”

With a sigh, I was wide awake again. I sat. “Light.”

The sheets rustled with his movement and the lamp flicked on.

I rubbed my tired eyes as I thought about my answer. “I’m not sure I spend a lot of time thinking about it, to be honest.”

“You have to think about it. Otherwise, you’ll wake up on the other side of thirty, wondering what the hell happened to your life.”

I raised a brow. “You speaking from experience?”

“I just said I don’t have any regrets. I live how I want. Not the last five years, I get that. But before I went in and now that I’m out, I live the way I want to. By my own rules. With my club. On the back of my bike. How doyouwant to live?”

“Not the way I grew up, that’s for sure.” I frowned. “Dad and I bounced around a lot. We were never in one place for long. I hated that, so I settled for the trailer. It wasn’t what I wanted, but it was better than moving all the time and not having a home. Every day in that trailer I felt like I was crawling out of my skin to go do anything else but what I was doing.”

“Why’d you stay?”

“Because I thought’s that what adults did, you know? Have an address, go to a job, get a boring boyfriend.”

“And how did any of that work out for you?”

“Trailer’s gone, I quit my job to work at a biker bar, and you’re anything but boring. The guy before you though… Yeah, he was boring.”

“Does boring boyfriend have a name?” Viper asked, his voice suddenly low and raspy.

“Of course, he has a name.”

“Tell me.”


“So I can murder him for being the guy who took your virginity.”

I rolled my eyes. “Hold on, Neanderthal. That wasn’t the point of this conversation.”

He sighed. “Continue.”