Page 133 of Venom & Vengeance

I turned my head and brushed my lips against his skin. “I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

“That you had to be there at all. That you sleep with a knife because of it.”

“I didn’t tell you partly because I didn’t want pity.”

“I don’t pity you.”

“No?” He got up and I was forced to move. A moment later, the nightstand lamp came on. The corners of his eyes were lined with tiredness. But it seemed like more than just a night’s exhaustion.

“Five years of your life were taken from you,” I said, sitting up and facing him.

His eyes dipped to my bare breasts. I knew where his thoughts were leading. Viper would much rather put his mouth to a different use than talking. Normally, I was amenable to it. But I didn’t want to get dragged into a bout of desire and lose this thread of conversation.

It was too important.

I grasped the sheet and pulled it up to my chest. He gently tugged at the corner of it, but I batted his hand away.

“I want to talk about this,” I said.

“I don’t.”

“What else is new?” I grumbled.

With a sigh, he settled back down and put his arm beneath his head. He looked at me with dark, hooded eyes. “I’ll listen, if you want to say something.”

I opened my mouth and then hastily closed it. I hadn’t expected him to give in so quickly.

“When did you get out?” I asked.

He paused. “About a month ago.”

“What!” When I realized I’d yelled, I immediately shut my mouth. “Viper, are you serious?”


“No wonder you want to have sex all the time,” I quipped. “Making up for lost time, huh?”

“Fuck yeah, I am. Bones, Kelp, Smoke and Raze were already down here, getting the lay of the land, settling in for what’s coming. I joined them as soon as I got out.” His fingers brushed against the upper meaty part of my arm. “Wasn’t expecting a little spitfire like you to get in the way.”

“I got in the way?” I asked, my brow furrowed.

“Got in the way of trying to remain detached.”

“Oh.” I bent my legs and wrapped my arms around them and rested my chin on my knees when I looked at him. “Spitfire, huh?”

“Firecracker? Pistol? Take your pick.”

“We’re at the nicknames phase, are we?” I smirked. “This is all happening so fast, Viper. You sure you’re ready for that?”

“Stop being a brat.”

“Too late,” I quipped. “Hit the light, will you?”

He turned off the lamp. I waited for him to get comfortable before I sidled up next to him, nuzzling into his nook.

“I never thought a guy like you would like snuggling.”