I watched as he and Luca disappeared into the back of the cabin, presumably setting up the bedroom situation. None of us even knew how many beds there were yet, but I was looking very forward to curling up with one or more warm, masculine bodies before finally drifting off.

“Hey,” I said, taking Jay’s arm before he ran back to the car. “Is he okay?”

My voice went lower as I nodded toward the back room, and of course, Tyler.

“As far as?”

“I mean leaving the restaurant behind for the weekend,” I explained. “It’s gotta be hard for him. This is probably the furthest he’s been from it in years.”

Jay nodded. “It is.”

My mouth twitched nervously. I dropped my gaze.

“Hey,” Jay said. “Look at me.”

Slowly I looked up again at my strapping blond boyfriend. His dazzling hazel eyes were soft with understanding.

“Tylerneedsthis,” Jay murmured softly. “Whether he knows it or not.”

“I… I know.”

“Weallneed this,” Jay smiled. “We’ve been working like crazy, you included. We’re in strung-out shape. It’ll be good to isolate for a while, from all the problems back in town.”

I hugged him, and the hug felt magnificent. Even with my arms only halfway around him I could sense the full strength and power of his lithe, athletic body.

“This is gonna be a mental health weekend for all of us,” Jay assured me. “And tomorrow, getting out on the slopes?” His grin widened. “It’s going to be the physical release we all really, desperately need.”

His eyes searched mine, leaving them momentarily to dip down and up my body. Nuzzling me closer, cheek against cheek, Jay dropped his duffel bag and slid a big hand over my ass.

“Onehalfof the physical release, anyway,” he whispered, adding a sexy squeeze.



He came like a thunderclap, exploding hard between my thighs. Screwing his hot flesh even tighter against mine, as he grinded and grunted and unloaded inside me.


It was always so gratifying, watching them climax. Screwing them to completion, then taking the fruits of my hard work so fully and deeply into my body. I loved feeling that warmth and wetness as I was filled from within. I loved gripping them tightly through every twitch, every pulse, every last throe of ecstasy…


I giggled as Jay withdrew, kissed me on the forehead, then made his way into the bathroom. I heard the sound of the shower kicking on. Steam billowed out surprisingly fast, as I stretched cat-like across the soft down blankets we’d brought with us.


My body was tight yet pleasantly sore; still wound up from a day of snowboarding. We’d started early, and the snow had intensified throughout the day. By the afternoon the winds were downright wicked. Visibility was near zero. We’d decided to come back to the cabin, just as things went from bad to worse. The boys loaded the stove with wood, and set it to burn hot. Hot showers were next, but first…

First we decided to take the edge off the sexual tension that had been building since last night. And by that, they meant to take turns on me while we were all still sweaty and dirty… before cleaning ourselves up and satisfying our other appetites.


Tyler entered the room next, naked except for his boxers. He took one look at me and yanked them down, letting the full impressive length of his manhood spring forth like some kind of miraculous magic trick.

“C’mere baby…”

I crooked my finger, beckoning him forward, and he climbed onto the bed and sank straight into me. It happened as easily as when we’d been dating, except when we’d been dating things had been very different. For one, there hadn’t already been a thick load of his best friend’s hot come seeping out of me.