The cabin was small, ramshackle, and embarrassingly outdated — very much like the ski resort it resided on. It also sat halfway up the mountain, where it was already three-quarters buried in snow.

In other words, it was absolutely perfect.

“How exactly did you get this for free?” Luca asked again. Conveniently, Jay had declined to comment the other two times.

“It’s a rental,” Jay said, as if that somehow explained everything. “It just so happens to not be rented this weekend.”

“And you just happen to have a copy of the key,” Tyler eyed him shrewdly.

Jay paused with one hand on the doorknob, with the key already inserted.

“You gonna look a gift cabin in the mouth?”

There was a deep click and the door swung open, revealing a cozy log-cabin lodge with a large pot-bellied, wood-burning stove. There was a galley kitchen, a table and chairs, and just about the oldest couch in all of North America… or if not, it was definitely at least in the top three. Still, the interior of the cabin was a lot larger than it looked from the outside.

“Not bad,” Luca declared. “I’ve slept in worse places.”

“You’ve slept on slabs of rock in the desert,” I teased him. “Besides…” I smiled, with a sultry wink. “Who said any of you will be sleeping?”

The sexual innuendo during the ride up had been pretty heavy, with almost all of it initiated be me. Being around the guys so much this past week I was beyond horny for all three of them. And this was a situation I intended to remedy very soon.

“Your mouth has been writing checks your body had better be ready to cash,” Tyler advised, leaning into me from behind. With his lips brushing my ear I could feel the reassuring weight of his body. The feel of his two big hips, grinding ever so slightly into the curve of my ass.

“You’ll see how ready I am,” I purred, reaching back for him. My hand found his significant bulge and squeezed it promisingly. “But not until tomorrow, I’m afraid.”

His hiss of disappointment made me giggle, even if a large part of me agreed with him.

“You know the rule we made,” I murmured apologetically. “Sleep tonight, play tomorrow.”

Tyler grunted. “You mean the ruleyoumade.”

I shrugged coyly. “Hey, we all agreed to it. If we were to start things up tonight…”

I turned in his grasp, slid my arms over his shoulders, and kissed him long and deep. But only for a moment.

“I know, I know,” Tyler agreed. “None of us would get any sleep.”

“Uh huh. And we’d never get our asses up to hit the slopes. Not until after lunchtime, anyway.”

I’d made up the rule on the ride here, cursing myself even as I suggested it. But we all knew how things would go if we used our beds for anything other than sleep. At least on the first night.

“Besides, I made a sacred vow to destroy you on the mountain tomorrow,” I said, tapping my snowboard. As Jay and Luca came back inside carrying another load of our stuff, I addressed them too. “Allof you.”

Jay laughed immediately. “You really think so?”

“Yeah,” Tyler agreed with his friend. “You went to Texas for a while. Remember?”

“You don’t think there’s snowboarding in Texas?” I mused.

“No,” Luca answered definitively. He folded his arms. “We don’t.”

“Well you’d be wrong,” I smiled. “Besides, I’m still a Montana girl. I might be a little rusty at first, but by day’s end I’ll be thrashing you like old times.”

Tyler, Jay and myself had an informal but good-natured snowboarding competition that stretched back for years. I wasn’t sure about Luca yet, but I was willing to find out.

“Fine,” Tyler eventually conceded. “Let’s get everything done so we crash out and wake up early.”