I could feel my pulse quicken even more, causing my entire body to throb with want. Holy shit this was exciting! Why hadn’t I thought of this before?

“Wow what?” I pressed. “Was that a good wow or a shocked wow or a great wow, or—”

“All three, actually.”

God, even his voice was sexy! I could still picture those piercing blue eyes. The errant lock of hair that always flopped down over one side of his forehead, that I always affectionately brushed away.

Why the hell did I break up with him again?

“Tyler look, I’m a woman inneed,” I told him bluntly. “If you’re a man in need — and I’m pretty sure you men always are — just say the word and I’ll grab my car keys.”

There was silence at the other end of the phone. It made me uneasy.


“What?” I demanded. “Are you really not into—”

“No, no!” he jumped in. “I’mtotallyinto it!”

“Good, then it’s settled,” I told him. “Now are you at the same apartment as before, or is your address—”

“It’s just that I’m afraid I can’t,” Tyler cut in. His voice was pained and apologetic. “Not tonight, anyway.”

My heart sank into my stomach. I was utterly dumbfounded. I’d expected a lot of things, but not this.

“Look, I’m with a good buddy of mine. My friend Luca’s back in town, and we’re hanging out.”

I growled like a cat. It might’ve even come through over the phone.

“Can’t you ditch him for a couple of hours?” I asked. “I’m not looking to stay the night or anything, just—”

“I really can’t,” he said apologetically. “Luca just came home from the Army. Long deployment.”

I really need to get laid, though!I wanted to shout from the rooftops.

“Can you hold off until Monday?” he asked tentatively. “Or any day of the week, really. I totally,totallywant to do this, Jenna. More than you realize. I’ll even make it up to you.”

There were no words. The butterflies in my stomach had all flown away.

“You can pick the day,” he went on. “The time. The hour, the minute, the—”

“Fine, then tonight,” I pressed on. “I need to get fucked tonight.”

Fucked.It was such a great fucking word. It was down, it was dirty, it was straight to the point. It also left no misgivings about what we were about to do to each other.

“Sorry, it’s going to have to wait until next week,” Tyler apologized again. There was a long beat of silence, followed by a nervous chuckle. “Unless…”

I sat up straighter. “Unless what?”

“Unless you want to fuck us both.”

He uttered the statement so nonchalantly, so casually, it almost got lost in translation. Instead, his words struck me with the impact of a thunderclap.

“Fuck you both…” I repeated mechanically. Silence descended, so crushing in its totality I let out a nervous laugh. “Youandyour friend.”

“Sure,” Tyler shot back. “It would solve all three of our problems, really.”

“Allthreeof our problems?”