“Yes,” Tyler said simply. “You’re horny. I’m horny. And poor Luca here… well, he hasn’t been with a woman in God knows how long.”

If my heart was pounding fast before, it was damn near hammering out of my chest by now. I bit my lip through the ensuing silence.

“Besides,” Tyler added slyly, “you alwaysdidwant to try it, remember?”

Memories floated in; pillow talk between a younger me and a very hot boyfriend. Buried inside me, in the heat of the moment, we’d talked our way through all sorts of fantasies and sexual scenarios. Many of them had tied my stomach into warm, fuzzy knots.

“Yeah, but that was with Jay,” I eventually countered. “HowisJay by the way?”

At the other end of the phone, I could imagine Tyler shrugging his broad shoulders.

“Jay’s Jay.”

“Still teaching snowboard lessons at whatever mountain will have him?”

Tyler paused. “Among other things, yeah.”

The lump forming in my throat was getting bigger by the second. I had to get off the phone soon, or I wouldn’t be able to talk.

“Fine,” I eventually conceded. “A booty-call raincheck on our little reunion, then. Maybe next week.”


“Have fun with your Army buddy. Tell him the sexiest, best-looking ex-girlfriend you ever had says hello.”

Tyler laughed that familiar, charming laugh I’d always loved. “Will do.”

We hung up, and I slumped back into the bed. Just the idea of screwing Tyler had me sopping wet. Even if it was next week.

I sighed again, running my hand south while letting my legs flop open. At least now I had something to look forward to. Something to think about, while… while I…

Fuck us both.

The words echoed through the hollows of my oversexed mind. The heat they caused was instantaneous. A bolt of pure excitement swirled in my lower belly, turning the valley between my legs completely molten.

I tried pushing the idea out of my mind, but it wouldn’t go. Instead I tried embracing it, using it to fuel my fingers. Constructing an all-new fantasy that would ultimately bring me to satisfaction.

This isn’t fantasy, though.

My fingers dipped inside. I was wetter than I’d ever been.

It’s an easy reality, Jenna. If you want it.

I sat up again, squeezing my thighs together. The phone was still within reach. I grabbed it and hammered out a text-message, sending it quickly before the angel on my right shoulder could stop the devil on my left:

What’s he look like?



The text was dumb. Crazy. Stupid. Incredible… all at once. I was playing with fire, for sure.

But my more rational side convinced myself none of this was happening, and I was just being curious.


Tyler’s innocent little response was to troll me, of course. I guess I had it coming.