What the hell happened again?

Honestly, I couldn’t even remember. It wasn’t like we’d grown apart. I’d dated him between my freshman and sophomore years of college. There’d even been lots of back and forth, with one of us always visiting the other.

Oh yeah. You thought the grass was greener on the other side of the fence.

I stopped for a moment, as my eyes fluttered open. Damn, seriously? Was that really it? I got cold feet and backed my way out of a perfectly great relationship, all because I wanted to see what else was out there?


“Well shit,” I said aloud. “I’m a complete idiot.”

Anger swirled, along with a deep disappointment. I couldn’t even get myself off properly! And yet…

Tyler’s still here. Still in town.

I bolted upright. The thought hadn’t even occurred to me. I’d been back in Northhold for almost a year, and I hadn’t even thought to look him up.

Much lesshookup.

The slow warmth that had been spreading in the pit of my stomach was back again, and now it was hotter than ever. Tyler. Holy shit,Tyler.

Why the hell are you getting yourself off all alone when you could be—

The voice in my head didn’t need to say another word. I grabbed my phone, scrolled through my contacts, and prayed that my ex-boyfriend’s number had somehow made the transfer from upgrade to upgrade. And then all of a sudden there it was. No last name, no full first name. Just two tiny letters… TY.

It took me all of two seconds to press the call button.




My heart pounded as I delivered my usual cheerful greeting. Tyler’s initial silence told me he didn’t recognize the voice, or the number.

“Ummm… hi?”

“Tyler, it’s me. Jenna.”

It was hard not to sound awkward. Four years was a hell of a long time! Besides, it wasn’t like I was calling to invite him to coffee. When you dialed an ex this late in the evening, you pretty much only wanted one thing.

“Ohwow,” I heard him say. “Hey Jenna! What’s going—”

“Are you single?”

I decided to rip the Band-Aid right off. Small talk would only lessen my resolve.

“Uhh, yeah. I definitely am.”

Besides, I was horny ashell.

“Good,” I said as confidently as I could. “Because I’m thinking we should get together soon, and by soon I mean tonight. And by get together I mean—”

“I know what you mean,” he chuckled. “But really?”

“Yeah, really.”
