Page 51 of Last Call

She pauses and takes a sip of tea.

“I never knew this version, Mum.”

“Aye, because we never told it to ye. We never wanted ye to think ye weren’t wanted because ye were, but the timing was awful. Nothin’ was goin’ right with the business and we were in a new place with no help from family. I told Finn we should pack up and head back home. He’d work at the local grocer and I would do the books for my da. We fought about it daily, done ye know. Almost ended our marriage over it, the way we were strugglin’. I prayed and prayed to God to show us the way. We either had to give up on our dream or stay and possibly lose everything.”

“So, what happened?” I ask.

“The good Lord answered, right he did. He gave us the most beautiful twin boys. I took one look at ye and I said to Finn, ‘We’re gonna make this work, hell or high water.’ We would have been miserable if we had moved back home. Hell, we were miserable where we were, but we were a team, he and I. Buildin’ a life for our little family of four. I loved yer da very much, sure ye know. So, we made it work.” She winks. “My point is, there’s never a perfect time to start a family. Yer never ready for what God throws yer way, but if He’s chosen ye to be a da, then ye run with it.”

“He hasn’t chosen me yet, Mum.”

“Ah,moi chroi, but He will. And when He does, I can’t imagine more lovin’ or givin’ parents than ye and TJ.”

“But TJisrunning with this and I’m worried it’s in the wrong direction.”

She covers my hand and squeezes. “When ye love someone like ye love TJ, it’s a special kind of love. One that lasts. Ye can’t control every situation that comes yer way. Let him run. Let him make mistakes and be there for him when he does. Life is about pivoting, is it not? Now is not the time to head in the opposite direction.” She squeezes my hand again and smiles fondly. “I love yer brother, but ye were always the sensible one. Don’t let him ply ye with whiskey every time ye and TJ take a wrong turn.” She scoots her chair back. “Now get a leg up. I’ll drop ye off at home on my way to Zumba.”

“Since when do you do Zumba?”

“Since yer da and I started taking a class together.”

“Da does Zumba?”

“Keeps us feelin’ young,” she shouts from the hall closet. “The sex is amazin’ after.”

“Jesus. I think my breakfast just came back up,” I grumble. “TMI, Mum.”

“What does TMI mean?”

“It means done ever discuss yer and Da’s sexual relationship out loud again.”

“Oh, Connor.” She bustles back in, laughing. “Done be such a prude.”

I stand up and hold the door open for her. “Thanks for breakfast and the talk.”

“Always,moi chroi.” She pats my chest where my heart resides, and I lean down to kiss her cheek.

I close the door and text TJ.

Me:Mum’s dropping me off. Be home soon… I’m ready to run with you.

TJ:Oh babe, sorry to disappoint, but I’m not much of a runner. You know I don’t like to sweat. But I can skip beside you, or throw in a cartwheel. Maybe I can ride a golf cart beside you with pom-poms. I’ll definitely cheer you on.

Me:I was being metaphorical.

Typical TJ. I snort, erase the text, and start again.

Me:Sounds good, Love. See you soon.

Chapter 18


I’ve just hungup the phone with Penny when Connor walks in. Don’t get me wrong, the man is always a walking specimen of perfection, but this morning, he’s looking a little rough around the edges.

Without a word, I pour him a cup of his favorite tea while he settles onto the barstool at our granite kitchen island.

“Thanks, Love.” His voice is gravelly and deep. It makes me shiver. “Where’s the camera crew?”