Page 52 of Last Call

“They’re not filming today. Not much going on.” I shrug and lean against the counter. “So, I know you got a little upset yesterday and I realize I was going ninety down a one-way street, blindfolded. I’m sorry.”

Connor nods. “I’m sorry I left abruptly. I needed to clear my head and I’ve come to the conclusion, with a little help from my mum, that it’s okay to let you take the lead. And even though I want to be part of the decision-making, I need to trust that you’ve got this.”

I blow out the breath I was holding. “Connor, I would never want to go in a direction you’re uncomfortable with. We’re in this together. Partners for lifey, wifey. And at the end of the day, if we’re not on the same page, it won’t work.”

Connor smiles, gently covering his hand with mine. “So, what’s the plan? Are we going to get Jean Luc Poop to redecorate the guest room for Penny?”

I chuckle. “It’s Jean Paul Pierre Luc, Connor. But sadly, no. He’s booked until summer now.”

“Oh, Love, I’m sorry I ruined your plans with him.”

I wave a hand in the air between us. “It’s okay. His latest inspiration was to spray-paint the carpet and walls in graffiti and call it New York gangster. I wasn’t sure I was down for that. It would have sent the wrong message to impressionable baby Low-mew. I mean, can you imagine? He’d be wearing a bandana around his head with his jeans around his knees and his Huggies hanging out, doing gangster signs to signal he needed a bottle of milk. And which side do you pick? Bloods or Crips? What if we chose wrong and the other gang breaks into our apartment and vandalizes?”

Connor wipes his hand across his mouth, trying to hide his grin. “I can’t imagine that happenin’.”

“But I did call Penny back and tell her we needed some time to talk it over. She said she’d be ready when we were. And I also called my new bestie, Gloria. Kiki introduced me to her. She’s the social worker who’s been assigned to us and she’s coming over in a few to do a meet and greet and to check our home to make sure it’s suitable for foster care.”

“I thought you didn’t want to do foster care?”

“It’s not mytopchoice, but I don’t want to leave any stone unturned,” I say.

Connor stands up and stretches, then comes around the island and wraps me in a hug. “I think it’s good to get the ball rollin’ with Gloria. I’m gettin’ in the shower because I smell manky. If ye want Penny to carry our baby, then call her and let her know.”


“I’m in yer corner, TJ. We’re doin’ this together, yeah?”

I squeeze him hard and let go. “You do smell mangy. Go shower.”

Connor chuckles. “It’smanky, not mangy.”

“Same diff.” I sniff. “Manky, ranky, mangy… Hurry up, Gloria will be here soon.” Anticipation rolls around in my belly like pop rockets and Coke. We’re doing this! I pick up my cell and call Penny.


“Penn, it’s TJ. I know Ijustgot off the phone with you, but I talked to Connor and we’re ready to move forward.”

“Woo hoo,” she shouts. I love her fervor.

“How soon can you move here?” I ask.

“Book my flight, Mama is ready!”

“Okay, send me your info and I’ll have a moving service come to your place and pack everything up to be shipped here.”

“Oh my gosh, TJ, that is so kind of you guys.”

“We’re in this together, right?” I squeal in delight.

“Absolutely. Emailing you all the details now.”

I hang up with Penny and sit back. No one can wipe the perma-smile off my face. Connor and I are going to be dads! It’s a dream I’ve always wanted but never thought could come true for someone like me. An oddball gay kid from Albuquerque, New Mexico. Now look at me. I’m living the dream of owning a successful business with my three best girlfriends, married to the sexiest man alive, living in a city I’m crazy about, and we’re about to become dads. It doesn’t get better than this.

I’ve already cleaned up the condo, but I light a citrus candle and make sure all the throw pillows are fluffed. I ponder canceling Gloria’s visit since I got the green light from Connor to call Penny, but she’s due to be here in five minutes and that would be rude. Besides, I like her, so there’s no harm in having her come by for a chat.

The doorbell rings precisely at two p.m. Gloria is a stickler for being on time.

“Connor, she’s here,” I shout down the hall.