Page 1 of Last Call

Chapter 1


Last call. Somesay it’s the last alcoholic beverage to be served before the bar closes. Others think of it as the last chance to make plans with your friends to head somewhere else before you’re kicked out. And for some, it’s the warning right before the lights are about to come on, ruining your fantasy of the sexy girl or guy you’ve been trying to land for the last hour.Slainte.

Last call is tricky because no one wants to go home when they’re drunk and having a good time. They want the party to keep going and they expect those behind the bar to be the ringmaster in their circus. But, like everything else in life, there comes a point when the fun has to end.

The gold tequila sloshes over the ice in the tumbler before I slide it across the bar to the pair of giggling brunettes who have been shamelessly flirting with me for the last two hours.

“Last call, ladies. Ye don’t have to go home, but ye can’t stay here.”

“Boo. You’re no fun, Connor. Can’t we hang out with you a little longer after closing?” the long-haired brunette slurs while trying to bat her fake eyelashes. “Your accent is sooo sexy.” Her lips pucker into a pout right before she tips sideways and falls off the barstool. Her friend turns and throws her head back, laughing like a hyena. She offers a hand to her friend, but isn’t in any shape to help. They’re both giggling hysterically as they try to right themselves in their seats. I shake my head, drying a mug. I nod goodbye to some patrons as they leave.

“I’ll call ye a Jo Maxi,” I grunt as my cell phone buzzes in my back pocket.

“Who’s Joe? Is he as cute as you?” the short-haired brunette asks, slurping her drink.

“It’s a taxi.” I slide my cell out and see my brother’s name. Turning my back, I answer.

“What’s the craic?” Lex asks.

“I’m almost done. Come on in.”

“Is it crowded?”

“Not too bad. Come help me move these two pissed geebags out of here.”

“Ye know, when I offered ye a ride home tonight, it didn’t mean I wanted to deal with a bunch of half-cut arseholes.”

“Would ye come on to fuck? Quit being a narkey hole and get yer arse in here.”

“Fine, ye ungrateful gobshite,” Lex grumbles.

I call a cab for the two women and a few minutes later Lex saunters in wearing a baseball hat pulled down low and a peacoat with the collar up. I snort and shake my head while he keeps a low profile, maneuvering his way through the crowd. Mr. Incognito is causing more of a reaction by trying to hide himself than he would if he walked in like a normal person.

“Ye feckin’ eejit, it’s not empty in here, this place is jointed,” he gripes, pulling off his coat and joining me behind the bar. “I’m fucking sweatin’ donkey balls in here.”

“Emily, I think we need to go home.” The short-haired brunette’s eyes widen. “I’m seeing double of that hottie bartender.”

“Yo sexy bartender! One more, pleeeaase?” The one called Emily waves her hand in the air as if I can’t see or hear her.

Lex smirks. “Christ, she’s off her trolley.”

“Wanna have some fun with these two? They’ve been hittin’ on me all night.”

His grin stretches wide and he pulls off his hat, running his fingers through his hair. We’re both wearing black t-shirts and jeans. “Like old times?”

We fist-bump, then walk over to the bar where the duo is sitting. “Okay, ladies, time to close out,” I say, leaning on the bar in the exact same position as Lex.

“Wait, hold up. There are two of you?” The long-haired one looks like she’s about to vomit.

“Can ye pick yer tongue up off the bar? I just cleaned it,” Lex says while he and I take a washcloth and wipe the bar in a slow, circular motion at the same time. The ladies’ eyes track our movements with fascination.

“Wait, I’m so confused. Have you both been here all night?” the short-haired one asks.

“I don’t know what yer talking about, Love, it’s just been me,” I say.

“Emily, you see two, don’t you?” she asks her friend.