Page 2 of Last Call

“I think I’m going to be sick. They’re making me dizzy.”

“It’s just me, Love,” Lex says. Their eyes swivel back to him. “I think yer Jo Maxi is here. It’s time to call it a night.”

“I am never drinking again.” Emily clunks her head down on the bar. I motion for our bouncer, Kyle, to come help them out.

“Have a nice night, ladies,” Lex and I say at the same time.

“I didn’t think I drank that much. I’ve never seen double before.” The short-haired brunette shakes her head while digging in her purse. She slaps two twenties on the bar.

“Liz, do you think we’ve been drugged?” the long-haired one,Emily, evidently, slurs as Kyle helps her off the stool.

“Probably if we’re seeing double.” Liz looks over her shoulder and we both grin and wave. “Not by our sexy Irish hottie, though. Probably that creep from earlier who was hitting on you.”

Emily peers back at us and we both blow her an air-kiss. She trips over her feet and crashes into a table and chairs.

Kyle manages to get them both out the door. Lex shakes his head and loads the glasses in the dishwasher. “Goddamned rat-arsed, they are.”

Gina and Mac, our two servers, count their tips after wiping down all the tables. I look at my watch and groan. It’s one a.m. I told TJ it would be an early night. I turn and look over my shoulder.

“Sorry it’s so late.”

“No worries,” Lex says. “Sunshine knew I’d be coming home later tonight after I told her I was driving ye home.”

I nod and close out the register. “How is Sare doing?”

“She’s grand.” Lex wipes the bar down one last time. He pauses and shakes his head. “Fuck, that’s a lie. She’s feckin’ stressed over balancing work and the kids.”

“What’s wrong with the kids?”

“Wyatt has started therapy because he keeps having meltdowns at school. Ye know, his anxiety pretty much cripples him.”

“Poor fella.”

We wave goodnight to Gina and Mac and I shut off the lights and turn to lock the door.

“Yeah, it’s crazy. He’s always been fussy. We can’t figure out what triggers it. Sarah is hoping therapy will help.”

“What do ye think?”

“About therapy? I think it’s a bunch of baloney, personally. But Sunshine thinks it will help, so I support it.”

We turn and walk down the hallway out to the parking lot. I hate that Lex and Sarah are going through this. “Sickner for ya, brother.” I slap Lex on the back. “I’m here for ye both if ye need anything.”

“Thanks, bro. Appreciate that. Be thankful ye and TJ are kid-free. It’s a lot harder raising kids than we thought it would be.”

I smile and slide into his car. I love my niece and nephews to death, but there is no way I’m ready to take on the responsibility and stress of raising a child.

Chapter 2


My unruly hairhas always been a point of contention for me, which is funny considering everything else in my life is totally off the cuff. Pink pants paired with a silk cheetah-print button-down, and purple suede loafers? I’m down with that. Red rhinestone boots with seersucker shorts? Hell to the yes. Black leather pants with a handknit vest made by my Nana Rose? Girlfriend, that look landed me the hottest husband in the world, besides Andie’s husband, Cam, of course. I’ll always hold a special place in my heart for my first crush. The point is, I can dress as crazy as I feel, but my hair has to be perfectly coiffed for me to feel my best.

Patting down the wayward curl that refuses to conform with my man-of-steel hair gel, I take a deep breath before the elevator doors glide open to our cute, trendy loft in downtown Nashville.

Inhaling deeply, I step off. “It’s showtime, ladies. I’m thinking we play Lizzo’s ‘Good As Hell’ for this entrance scene.”

Andie looks up from the desk and smiles. “Morning, TJ.” Her smile slips a little as she notices the three men behind me. “What’s going on?”