Page 195 of Possessing Eden

Spinning on my heel, I take off.

Feeling my own life slipping away from me.

Ahead of me is more gunfire.

More danger.

But I run towards it.

If I’m going to die.

If this is how it has to be…

At least I can get closer to Jude.

Maybe I’ll get to see him one last time.

Running towards my death like my life fucking depends it, a loud crack suddenly sounds out.

I duck in instinct, fearing the sky has decided to open up and rain down thunder and lightning on this fucking tragedy.

But nothing happens.

It must have been a gunshot from a larger gun…

Another crack sounds out followed by another, confirming it.

Straightening, I take off again, heading to the right. I make it around another building only to stop in my tracks.

“Die you Russian pieces of shit!” a woman screams at the top of her lungs as she fires shot after shot at whatever is in front of her.

Sensing my presence, Amanda glances over her shoulder in alarm. “What the fuck?!”

Our eyes meet, and I swear my fucking soul leaves my body for a moment.

She’s beautiful, with a sharp bone structure you only see on models, dark hair, and big eyes full of fury and emotion.

Amanda is the femme fatale I could never be.

And she could end me right now.

But whatever she sees on my face must stay her hand.

Jerking her head back to look in front of her, she yells, “Fuck off, you fucking fuckers! Fuckingdie!”

Knowing only more danger lies in front of her, I cut more to the right.

Skirting around to the side of the next building.

Amanda screams shrilly in absolute rage, “Burn in hell, you motherfucking pig fucking Russian pieces of shit!”

When I reach the corner, I peek my head out and glance to the left.

I can see the flash of Amanda’s gun as she fires shot after shot seemingly without pause. Dropping a group of men one by one.

There’s no one to my right, and with her keeping those guys to the left busy, I decide to take the risk to dash forward to the next building.

The gunfire only growing louder, I know I’m closer.