I sense it before I hear him.
“Fucking cunt!” Jude shouts like he’s in pain.
Fear and worry carrying me forward, I rush towards the sound of his voice without a thought to my own safety.
“I don’t hear you laughing, Jude!” a woman shouts, her voice thick with a Russian accent.
Legs pumping, lungs heaving, I race around a corner and skid to a stop. Not prepared for the sight in front of me.
Crouched low on the ground, almost on his knees, Jude cradles his hand close to his chest.
A split-second later, a woman with blonde hair, dressed in black combat fatigues, walks around the opposite corner and points a gun at his head.
Ice cold terror flooding through me, I lift my own gun and point it at her.
“Stop!” I shout.
“Eden?” Jude rasps and glances back at me in alarm.
Eyes widening, the woman glances at me, then she focuses all of her attention back on Jude. Keeping her gun aimed at his head.
“Eden?” she says, echoing Jude, then her lips quirk into a smirk. “Ah, that Eden. The one who helped make this moment happen.”
“Put your fucking gun down!” I order, ignoring the guilt that rises up inside me at that statement.
The woman slightly inclines her head, her gun not moving an inch. “If you’re here to rescue your uncle, I’m afraid to tell you Jude already killed him. Murdered him like he was a fucking dog and used his body as a meat shield.”
Her words shock the hell out of me. Jude killed Uncle Mickey? “I’m not… No! Put your gun down or I’ll fucking shoot you!”
The woman’s eyes narrow and her lips thin. “So you’re here to rescue this piece of shit?”
“Yes!” I exclaim, tightening my grip around the gun in my hands.
She looks like she wants to spit. “You’re making a mistake. He deserves todie.”
Her arms steady, her gun trained on Jude’s head, I don’t dare try to shoot her, no matter how much I want to.
Afraid I’ll miss.
Afraid even if I hit her, she’ll still shoot him and kill him.
Face darkening, eyes filling with rage, she stares at him with hatred.
A hatred so pure, I have to work hard to keep my hands from shaking as it sends chills across my flesh.
I don’t know what Jude did to her, but whatever it was sent her off the deep end.
“He’s fucking scum. Fuckingdirt. He cares nothing about life! Cares nothing about the people he hurts!” she says, her voice rising with every word.
“Do you know how many families he’s destroyed? How many lives he’s taken?” she asks me.
I have no clue, and I really don’t want to know…
“Hundreds!” she declares.
Oh god.
She has to be over-exaggerating. There’s no way. No fucking way…