Page 191 of Possessing Eden

Several gunshots ring out and glass explodes, raining down on me.

The steering wheel tries to rip out of my hands, wanting to take its own path, but I fight it.

Sensing we’ll be even more fucked if we get run off the road, I keep pushing on the gas, hoping for the best.

Unfortunately, another car slams into our right, wedging us between them.

More gunshots ring out.

The guys shout, grunt, and growl.

And all I can fucking see is my own damn crotch.

“Goddammit!” James screams and yanks me up by the hair a second before we crash into something.

The airbag slams into me, nearly knocking the air from my lungs.

Gunfire continues to crack around us, shattering the air.

“Get out!” Gabriel yells. “Cover her!”

Dazed and confused, I try to punch the airbag away.

A knife flashes in front of me, slashing down and deflating it. My seatbelt is ripped off me and I’m dragged over the passenger seat.

“Stay down!” James orders, dropping me on the ground behind the tire and towering over me.

“There’s more coming! Fuck!” Gabriel roars from the other side of me. “They’re like fucking roaches! How many are there?!”

“Too many,” James says grimly, and my entire fucking soul sinks into my stomach.

“Nathaniel,” Gabriel barks out, “you need to get her to safety! We’ll give you cover!”

Squatting down for a moment, James releases the mag from the gun he grabbed in the car and slaps a new one in.

“Here,” he says, thrusting the gun out to me. “You might need this.”

“You need it more,” I croak.

James shoves the gun into my hand, forcing me to take it, then pulls his own off his hip. “I have one.”

Straightening without giving me a chance to respond, a chance to ask why he was using mine in the first place, he starts firing again.

So many bullets pass through the air, I’m half-convinced I can hear them whizzing by.

Crouch-walking over to me, Nathaniel grabs me by the arm. “We have to go!”

“Where?!” I cry out.

I don’t even know where we are.

Ignoring me, Nathaniel shouts, “Cover us!”

Then he uses my arm to drag me to the right, away from the car.

“Stay down!” Putting his hand on top of my head, Nathaniel pushes my head down. Forcing me to stare at gravel.

Bits of rocks fly up into the air as bullets hit the ground around us. The crashed SUV behind us the only thing preventing them from hitting us directly.