Page 192 of Possessing Eden

As Nathaniel drags me along, there’s so many gunshots, I tense up, expecting one to hit me at any moment.

But it never happens.

Reaching a concrete building, Nathaniel drags me along the wall then shoves me around the corner.

Turning, he fires off a couple of shots, then comes around the corner with me.

Breathing heavy, he leans against the wall and closes his eyes. “This is fucking insane…”

“Are they going to be okay?” I pant.

I want to look, want to check on James and Gabriel, but know better than to stick my head out.

I just don’t have the battle instincts these guys do. I can’t anticipate like they seem to be doing or react as fast. Everything happening is so new and unexpected, I’m at a huge disadvantage.

“Honestly?” Nathaniel asks then opens his eyes and looks at me. “I don’t know. Nothing like this has ever happened before. It’s… war. It’s like fucking war.”

I want to ask how can a war happen like this? In broad daylight?

But this area looks rundown and abandoned, just like South Hebron. Except for old, crumbling mansions, we’re surrounded by old, crumbling industrial buildings.

No doubt the police purposely avoid this area. There will probably be no help coming any time soon…

“You should go help them,” I say.

Nathaniel shakes his head sharply. “No. You’re my priority.”

Grabbing my arm, he tries to tug me along again, but I yank back. “I’ll stay here. You go help them.”

Jaw tensing with determination, Nathaniel grinds out, “I have my orders.”

Then he jerks on my arm so hard he almost pulls it out of the socket.

Having no choice but to follow him, my eyes swell with unshed tears and my throat tightens with emotion.

I’m afraid for Gabriel and James and feel like this is a huge mistake.

Nathaniel drags me to the next corner of the building, stops, and peeks his head around. When he determines the coast is clear, he rushes me to the next building.

We do this several times, cutting left and right. The sound of gunfire fading behind us until I can longer hear it.

Either we made it far enough away or the battle is done.

Quiet settles over us as we move, and after all the noise, it’s unnerving.

Dragging me to yet another building, Nathaniel finally releases my arm. Standing still, he seems to listen closely for a moment.

Then he growls in frustration, “Fuck.”

Breathing heavy, I have to catch my breath before I can ask, “What?”

He spins in a slow circle, looking around us. “I have no fucking clue where we are. This area is still new to me.”

Spinning like he did, I squint my eyes and look at the buildings.

“I think we came from that way,” I say, pointing behind us.

Nathaniel looks at where I’m pointing then rolls eyes. “Yes, of course we did. But I don’t know what direction we’re going. I don’t know if I’m taking you to safety or dragging you toward more danger.”