Page 188 of Possessing Eden

Nodding and trying to keep my hands from trembling too obviously, I start to take the right turn only to slam on the brakes again as a black SUV almost slams into me.

“Shit!” I screech.

“Fuck!” James bellows at the same time, grabbing onto the door handle.

“And that would be the backup security,” Gabriel rumbles. “Fucking assholes! Watch where you’re going!”

My heart trying to pound its way through my ribs, I tremble in my seat.

Leaning over me, James starts to thump his bloodied left hand against the horn. “Move fuckers! Move!”

The black SUV slowly backs up, giving me enough room to get by.

Gabriel slaps the back of my seat. “Let’s go.”

“Be still,” Nathaniel snaps. “I’m trying to work here.”

“Yeah, yeah…” Gabriel grumbles. “Just hurry up.”

“Unlike you, Gabriel, I like to take my time,” Nathaniel says as I finally get to make the right turn. “When you rush, you’re more likely to make a mistake or miss something.”

“Is that what you’ve been doing with Amanda, Doc?” Gabriel asks. “Taking your time?”

“What? No…” Nathaniel scoffs. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“We’ve all seen you making eyes at her,” Gabriel says. “Haven’t we, James?”

“Oh yeah,” James quickly agrees. “You watch her like a lovesick puppy. It’s disgusting.”

“So?” Nathaniel says sharply then loudly clears his throat. “I mean… She’s a beautiful woman. Of course, I’m going to look at her. I wouldn’t call it making eyes at her, though.”

“Uh-huh…” Gabriel drawls out like he’s not buying it.

“Just shut up and let me work,” Nathaniel growls.

Gabriel chuckles. “Sounds like you’ve got some sexual frustration there, Doc. Been a long time?”

James shifts in his seat, adjusting his black bag between his legs. “Don’t wait too long. Take it from me, shit will make you go crazy.”

“Yeah, how long did you have blue balls for, James? A year?” Gabriel asks. “I’m surprised those fuckers didn’t fall off.”

“I’m working awfully close to your balls, Gabriel,” Nathaniel says irritably. “You sure you want to keep talking about mine?”

The windy, wooded road ahead of me empty, I try my best to smoothly ease up my speed. The men’s banter putting me more at ease.

Unfortunately, I simply don’t know what the fuck I’m doing. I don’t have the comfort or experience to know how slow or fast I can take a turn.

Or how hard the brakes will engage.

When the tires squeal as I take a wide turn a little too fast, James glances over at me again with worry in his eyes. “You’re sure you know to drive?”

“Doesn’t everybody?” I snap back, my nerves getting to me. “I’m just in a hurry.”

“We still need to get there in one—” he starts to say only to grab onto his door handle again when the next sharper turn in the opposite direction almost sends us off the road.

“Slow the fuck down!” he demands.

So I push on the brake.