I hear men screaming and then a pounding of feet.
One man leaps over the wall and I lift my gun to fire at him. Hitting him twice in the stomach as he sails above me.
The second comes around the low wall and raises his gun, but I’ve already pulled my switchblade from my pocket. I fling it at his exposed neck the moment it shows.
He falls to the ground, spraying his load of bullets high into the air.
Ducking down below the wall again, I don’t know how many more there are, but I must look. Ejecting the mag, I check the bullet count. I have two left in it.
Pushing the clip back in, I take a breath.
Rising up again, my gun is shot out of my grip and my hand is suddenly on fire.
“Fucking cunt!” I scream at the fucker who just destroyed my favorite gun.
Well fuck.
Looking back up over the ledge of the low wall, I see the Russian cunt grinning as she starts to saunter towards me.
It’s just her now. The rest of her small group are dead or down on the ground groaning.
Maneuvering around all the cars and bodies left in the street, I keep my eyes focused forward, resisting the urge to gawk.
How many men attacked us? How many did James, Gabriel, and Nathaniel take out on their own?
Every security SUV we pass is shot up and empty, the men laying in the grass or hanging out the doors.
The neighborhood looks like a fucking post-apocalyptic war zone.
At one point, I have no choice but to run over a dead guy’s legs to get through.
The little bump and crunch will probably forever haunt me…
“Left or right?” I ask as we near the gated entrance.
And now I get to see firsthand what caused the loud boom.
The burnt remains of two white vans smolder in front of the gatehouse, dark smoke snaking up to the sky.
“Right,” James answers and shifts his black bag into his lap.
“Do we need to worry about the police?” I ask as I ease my foot onto the brake, slowing to take the turn.
The brake is more sensitive than I expected though and we still end up jerking to a halt.
James gives me a sharp look. “No. A couple of our guys on the inside are running interference.”
I wince. “Sorry, not used to these brakes…”
“Don’t worry, Eden,” Nathaniel says from the back. “You’re doing great. I had the same issue when I first purchased the car.”