Page 41 of Love Me Good

As soon as he pulled up outside the one-story brick house, he ran around to her door and opened it, tugging her out and into his arms with an urgency she matched. They fell through the front door, kissing, barely coming up for air but long enough for her to mutterbedroomand he took her straight there. She would look around the place in the morning, right now, she just needed him.

They collapsed onto the bed and giggled together before furiously attacking each other’s mouths again. He stripped off her cardigan, his hands delving under her dress and into her panties which were already wet with her desire for him. He pulled her on top of him, thrusting up into her and she struggled to get the tight satin suit down his arms.

She laughed, pulling away. “I can’t do it, I’m too weak. Take it off.”

He tugged it down his arms, gripping her hips and lifting her so he could pull it all the way off and then he was gloriously naked.

“You don’t wear underwear underneath?” she asked, curious.

“Sometimes but not with this one, don’t want those visible panty lines,” he shrugged, and she burst out laughing, holding her stomach as it ached with mirth.

“It’s really not nice to laugh at a naked man,” he grumbled. She stopped and kissed him before scooting back to sit on his thighs, looking down at his naked body. Her laughter died in her throat as she took in his cock, hard and reaching up towards his stomach.

“It’s very lovely,” she breathed.Ugh, had she really said, lovely?

“Thank you,” he chuckled, reaching for her but she pressed down on his chest firmly. He had been in her bedroom and pleasured her with his mouth and now she was going to do the same. She scooted back further and dipped her head, her breath teasing over the soft skin. She looked up at him from under her lashes and his expression was fixed, his shoulders tense, ready for her mouth. One lick had his hands delving into her hair, his head tipping back and a ragged groan left his lips. All thoughts fled her brain except one:make him yours.

She worked her mouth over him, from base to tip, using her tongue, her hands and feeling wanton at his reaction to what she was doing. Seeing how much he enjoyed it had pride bubbling inside her. The tendrils of confidence that had sprouted from her pole dancing classes continued unfurling in the wake of her ability to make him feel this good. This was her. Not Kayleigh 2.0 but Regular Kayleigh. Seeing him writhing in pleasure as she licked and squeezed, her name tumbling from his lips like falling stars. She had done this to him, only her. Driven him to this wild ecstasy with her mouth.

“God, Kayleigh,” he grunted, thrusting gently into her mouth. She moaned in response, and he stilled, his hand tensed in her hair as he panted. He cupped her jaw, drawing her gaze up to meet his and when their eyes locked, he shuddered, and she tasted him on her tongue. He pulled her into his arms, and they lay wrapped in each other. Just before she succumbed to sleep, she heard his whispered,I love you.


Kayleigh woke up early in the morning, her eyes taking in the unfamiliar surroundings before she remembered where she was, who she was with and the activities from the previous evening. A satisfied smile found its way onto her lips and she rolled over, seeing Ben laying on his side, facing away from her. She scooted over, pressing a kiss to his shoulder, his skin warm and inviting. His breathing deepened but he gave no other reaction.

Movement at the foot of the bed had her frowning, she peered down and came face to face with a white, long-haired rabbit with floppy ears.

She giggled. “Hello you.”

The rabbit gave no reaction save a little nose twitch. Then leaped into the air, twisted its body and landed in the same spot.What was that?She reached out her hand and the rabbit hopped forward and sniffed her, before its little tongue darted out and licked her. The rasp of its tongue tickled her, then the rabbit jumped off the bed and disappeared. How come Ben never mentioned he had a rabbit?

She lay there for a little while, daydreaming until her bladder began complaining so she got up and left the room searching for the bathroom. The house was small but cozy, with thick navy carpet throughout and pale gray walls. It was still dark, so she felt along the walls for a light switch. She found a door handle and opened it, fumbling along the wall for the light, hoping she had found the bathroom.

When the room lit up she could see she hadn’t, it was his study. She was about to leave but spotted an oak sideboard with a record player and stack of old records that must have been from his grandma. Then she spotted his computer. He had been eager to see hers and she realized she was just as eager to see his. To see if he had the same set up as her or any components she was missing. Looking at the computer reminded her she hadn’t logged on last night and spoken to her friend. That was the first time they had missed each other since her break after the accident at work.

She was distracted from thinking about him when she saw Ben’s mouse. It was black with metallic silver down the sides and dome shaped like the hood of a sleek sportscar, it was fancy as hell. She lifted it, to inspect it, definitely not jealous of it at all. The movement of the mouse lit up the screen and filled the room. Kayleigh shielded her stare from the bright light and then she saw the screen. There was a document open, and she averted her eyes, not wanting to read his private things but she had already recognized it. Her eyes swung back to it.

Her Romeo and Juliet story.

“What the hell?” she murmured in the quiet room.

How the hell had he got a copy of this? That niggling sensation prickled her again as she scrolled through the document and noticed comments. The name next to the comment had her gasping.


“No,” she breathed, covering her mouth with her hand. “No, no way.” Her body went numb with shock, but she couldn’t accept it. She minimized the document and looked for the icon she knew would reveal everything. When she spotted it, she opened up the chat where it already had his username pre-filled, it just needed his password.

“No!” she cried, pushing herself away and in the process, she tripped and fell back. How could it behim? She didn’t understand. Surely, he wouldn’t lie to her? Wouldn’t hide his identity from her? He had said he loved her. Someone who loved you wouldn’t keep such a huge secret. She sat there, shaking her head until she felt something tickle her foot. She looked down and spotted the white rabbit, licking her ankle and thought of GreenEyedKing96’s avatar, a white rabbit.

Her heart sank.


Ben woke up slowly, reluctant to be pulled from his dreams of Kayleigh in his arms, in his bed. Except shewasin his bed. She was finally his. And he was performing again. Relief flooded him, everything was perfect.Nearly perfect, his subconscious piped up, reminding him he still needed to talk to her about their history. He knew he needed to tell her but not today. Today he would love her until she couldn’t breathe any longer without thinking about him.

He stretched the long luxurious stretch of a man full of happiness. Then he sat up in bed, rubbing his eyes and as his vision cleared, he saw her, his bad girl, sitting in the armchair in the corner of the room, petting Geralt who rested in her lap. Her peach hair perfectly kinked around her shoulders, her lush mouth plump from being nibbled but her eyes… her eyes were hard.

He paused. “Kayleigh?”