Page 40 of Love Me Good

“Wrap your legs around my waist,” he said, lifting her up, light as a feather. He found her mouth again, nipping and licking at her until something occurred to him. He pulled away and she huffed in annoyance.

He looked around them. “What if we get caught again?”

She pressed herself against him and rolled her hips. “Isn’t that part of the excitement?” she husked, nipping at his lip.

“Kayleigh Good being so bad,” he murmured, feeding her another kiss. Then pulling away again, in frustration, his hand slapping the side of the building. “I don’t have anything.”

“Oh, I do!” It was only then that he noticed she still had her purse draped across her body and he had never been more grateful. She rummaged in it, producing a foil packet like she had just struck gold after months of searching. He took it from her with one hand, the other still wrapped around her as he leaned her more firmly against the wall to prop her up. He tore the packet open with his teeth and pushed his jumpsuit down to his knees, and after some deft movements managed to roll the condom on.

He flipped up the bottom of her white dress then gripped her chin, tilting her mouth up to meet his, sliding his tongue in and out of her slowly as he worked himself inside. Her soft, breathy exhalations tickled him and nearly broke all his restraint. When he was seated inside her, he kissed her fully until she became impatient and tried to thrust. He hissed and then pulled back and thrust into her deeply, earning him a startled cry which turned into a moan part way through. He worked his hips, in and out, slowly until she gripped the back of his neck tight, her fingers twisting in his hair.

“I said, fuck me, Ben,” she commanded, her voice low, her eyes glazed with passion.

“Yes, ma’am,” he grunted and then proceeded to do just that. He pounded into her, bouncing her up and down. “Pull your dress down, I want to see you,” he growled. She did exactly as told, and when her breast was free he sucked a nipple into his mouth, his hand delving beneath her skirt to the place they were joined and traced slick circles around her clit.

She cried out and he hoped like hell no one heard her and came looking for them. He continued his torment on her body and it wasn’t long before she was crying out and shuddering around him. He thrust into her tight flesh again and again, his release creeping up on him, snapping at the base of his spine until he buried his face in her neck and bit down as he grunted, filling the condom.

Their panting breaths filled the space around them, and in that moment he had never known such bliss, Kayleigh wrapped around him, their hearts racing together.

“I love you.”

It slipped out, entirely without his permission.She stiffened and pulled away, brushing his hair back and lifting his chin so she could look into his eyes. He knew what she would see: his unadulterated love, stripped bare. It would be startling, the force of it. Terrifying if she wasn’t ready for it, he just hoped to hell she was.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. It’s okay if you don’t feel it too. And I know after sex is theworsttime to say that. But it’s true, please don’t believe it isn’t. I’ve loved you for a while now,” he added, his rawness not stopping his tongue from running away with itself.

She cupped his jaw and placed a delicate kiss at the corner of his mouth. “I’m not scared and although I’m not there yet, I’m on my way. I’ll let you know when I am there, I promise you that.”

Even though it wasn’t a declaration of love, it was close and he would take it, would snatch it with greedy hands and fingers and hold onto it tight.

“Come home with me?” he breathed against the shell of her ear. She shuddered and her whisperedyesreached his love fogged brain and moments later, they were in his car on the way home.


Chapter 15

Had a man dressed as Elvis just rocked her entire world? Yes. Emphatically yes.

He loved her.

She could feel it in the way he touched her, see it in the way he looked at her and she was falling too. She hadn’t quite reached the love destination, but it was on the horizon and only getting closer.

The journey back to his house felt too long as she kept shooting him sideways looks and each time, he just squeezed her hand like he was responding to questions she hadn’t asked.

Yes, this is happening.

Yes, everything is fine.

Yes, I do really love you.

But one question on her mind had her breaking the silence. “Why Elvis?”

Ben shrugged in that familiar way and squeezed her hand again. “He bucked trends and was always told he would never amount to anything. He didn’t do what people expected of him and after all the stuff with my family, I kinda relate. That and the music. Young Elvis did these incredible, catchy pop songs that transcended boundaries. Older Elvis did the same thing but also these soulful broken songs. He was a man of growth, just like I want to be.”

“I love that,” she replied, smiling over at him.

The reminder of his family had her wondering how he felt about the scene with his dad and brother. She’d seen the vulnerability on his face when they appeared and she had wanted protect him from their unfeeling, mean words.

Then they had gone outside and taken their relationship to the next level. He had been amazing, she had never had an orgasm that intense with any of her previous partners, both men and women. Her body was still humming for him even now and she didn’t think she would ever get enough of this man.