Page 103 of Step Alpha

My touch is tender as I cradle her chin between my thumb and forefinger. “You were right, I was trying to fix you. And I need you to know that I’ve pulled my head out of my ass.

“Rayne, I was trying to get you to shift because I suspected you were my fated mate. But after you left, I realized I don’t care whether you are or aren’t. I don’t care if you shift. I don’t care if you become popular or stay on the sidelines. Baby, all I care about is being with you. I think you’re the reason I’m back in Arizona. Not because I hated school or was homesick. I think my wolf was telling me to get back here, to you. He’s the one who led me to get arrested.”

Water swims in Rayne’s beautiful eyes, and I lean in to give her a soft kiss on the forehead.

“But I did shift. So, I mean…”

My lips quirk. I bring my wrist to her nostrils. “What do you think?”

She draws a deep breath of my scent, and her eyes change to silver.

My smile grows.

Two tears simultaneously cascade down her cheeks.


“I-I don’t know.”

I’m full-on grinning now. “I think you do. I see your wolf, baby. She’s looking right back at me now.”

Rayne lets out a watery laugh. “You think I’m your mate?”

I smile and slowly shake my head, making her eyes round. “I don’tthink,Rayne-bow. I’m fuckingsure. I’m claiming you. You belong to me, sweet girl. Whether you want me or not.”

She lets out a breathy laugh, then sobers.

“Wilde, I don’t even remember shifting. I don’t know if I can do it again.”

I cradle her face in both my hands. “Rayne, sweetheart. I told you–I don’t care if you shift. I don’t care if you dye your hair green or bark like a fucking seal. You’re mine. And even if you weren’t–even if I never got this clarity–” I hold her wrist to my nose and breathe deeply– “I would want you. I would want you because you’re smart and kind, and you pay attention to people. And you’re fucking adorable when you’re mad. And you have the cutest little feet–but you are never selling videos of them online again.”

Rayne shivers, and I’m instantly sorry for reminding her.

“Baby, are you okay? Will you tell me what happened?”

She reaches for me, wrapping her hands behind my head and tugging me to her. “I just want to be with you right now.”

I pick her up from the seat to straddle my waist, so I can hold her tight. “I just want to be with you, too, Rayne-bow. That’s all I want. You’re the only thing that matters to me in this world.”

Rayne breaks into a sob, and I hold her, rocking from foot to foot.

“Are you going to mark me?”

I let out a humorous laugh. “Are you still not sure?”

“I mean…now? Or tonight?”

I have to fight back the surge of lust that rockets through me. “Oh fuck, baby. Are you ready?”


“Shouldn’t I get you home? You probably want to see your mom and get cleaned up.”

She doesn’t answer.

“Or I can get us a hotel for the night.”

Rayne relaxes some more. “Hotel. Definitely.”