And my wolffucking howlswith recognition.
I nearly drop to my knees with the awe of it, except my precious mate’s fear takes all precedence.
“Wilde?” There’s shock in her breathy voice.“What happened?”
I force myself to move slowly, to touch her gently. “You don’t know, baby?” I take her shoulders and rub them. “You don’t remember what happened?”
“No,” she wails. “I…I…didyoudo that?” She gestures in the direction of the body.
“You shifted, baby. Your wolf got free to defend you. You’re safe now. Your wolf took care of it.”
She shivers, and I pull her against me and wrap my arms around her. “Did I…Wilde, did I–”
“Yeah, you killed him. It’s okay, baby. You had no choice.”
My phone rings again, and I pull it out and answer Alpha Green. “I found her. She’s safe. She shifted and killed her captor. Um, we’ll need some major cleanup, though.”
“Where are you?”
“He had her at a motel.”
“Okay, get Rayne home. We’ll take care of the clean-up. Text me the address and room number.”
“Thank you, Alpha.”
I end the call. “We’re going to get you out of here. Were you wearing your clothes when you shifted?”
“Um…what?” She’s totally in shock.
I don’t see fragments of clothing hanging off her the way they do if you shift while dressed, which means she was probably naked.
That thought nearly makes me shift, the desire to further mangle the asshole on the floor’s body is so strong.
When I spot her clothes folded on the dresser, I grab them and help Rayne into them. Then I steal a wet washcloth from the motel bathroom and scoop Rayne into my arms, wiping the blood from her chin as we walk.
“What about–” She looks back over her shoulder at the body.
I set her down to lift the door and prop it back in place. “It’s okay, baby. Alpha Green wants me to get you home. They’re going to take care of the rest.”
The Jeep is a few blocks away, and I carry her there, unwilling to leave her alone even for the few moments it would take me to get it. I set her in the passenger seat and take off before the scene is discovered by anyone we’d have to answer to.
It’s over an hour from Chandler to home, though, and I need Rayne in my arms, so I pull over a few miles away and get out.
“What’s going on?”
I walk around to her door, open it, and use the washcloth to finish cleaning her face, chest, and hands.
Her eyes fill with tears. “I thought I’d never see you again.”
“Rayne.” My voice breaks. “I was so scared about losing you.”
She searches my face, and there’s so much vulnerability in her gaze that it nearly knocks me to my ass.
Fuck. I still have to explain. To heal this rift between us.
“Listen, baby. I’m so sorry about Homecoming.”
She drops her face and looks away like she doesn’t want to talk about it.