Page 26 of Daisies and Desire

I picked them up and placed them back on the shelf. “Because the stove top is temperamental, and the oven takes forever to heat, let alone cook in. And that’s if we manage to get the generator going at all.”

“Then we’ll cook on the fire.” He picked out a larger pack of cheese puffs and dropped it in the cart.

“The only thing you know how to cook on the fire is s’mores.”

“Then we’ll have them for dinner.” Ethan grinned. “Done.”

“Absolutely not. Flynn needs to eat properly. After all that chest pain…”

Ethan rested his hand on my shoulder. “He’s fine now, Daisy. The doc gave him the all clear.”

“Well, I don’t care,” I grumbled. “I’m not losing him too.”

Ethan’s eyes softened as he pushed a stray hair behind my ear. “He’s going to be okay, Daise.”

I blinked away the moisture gathering in the corners of my eyes before spinning back to the shelves of pasta. “You want lasagna?” His affection was dangerously addictive.

“Hell yeah, as long as you make it your way.”

I screwed up my nose. “Not Mom’s recipe?”

“I prefer the way you do it.”

Warmth filled my cheeks. “Oh…okay.”

“And we definitely need this,” he said, sliding in a large container of chocolate milk.

I dragged it out and replaced it with normal milk. “Nice try.”

“And this…” He threw in a huge pack of heavy pads. “It’s clearly that time of the month.”

I ripped them out. “It is not!” Laughter seeped through my snarl as I shoved them back on the shelf.

As Ethan cackled to himself, searching for something else to embarrass me, I snuck in another item, just for him. I liked this game.

Once we reached the counter, the sales assistant scanned through the items while Ethan twirled Flynn’s credit card in his fingers. “Wait.” His hand froze. “What’s that?”

The young girl held up the bulk pack of condoms with flaming cheeks. “You mean these?”

Ethan’s deadpan gaze rotated to mine as I grinned triumphantly. “Sizesmall?” His left eyebrow cocked. “Really, Daise?”

“Well, they don’t come in extra small.”

“You know very well it’s not—” He puffed up his lips before handing me the credit card. “Forget it.”

I apologized to the girl while Ethan stormed back to the aisle they came from. “He’s a little sensitive about his size.”

A moment later, he reappeared carrying the same box, only this one had a different label.Extra large.The girl’s blush deepened as she unconsciously peeked at his shorts, mid-scan.

“Excuse me.” I held up the credit card to capture her attention. “I’d like to pay now.”

“Oh, right,” she muttered while Ethan chuckled behind me.

After I’d paid, Ethan gifted her his panty-dropping smile while I zoomed away with the shopping cart.

“I think she liked me,” he whispered into my ear when he caught up.

I pushed the cart with an extra grunt. “Whatever.”