Page 25 of Daisies and Desire

“I’ll be too busy surfing to be socializing.”

“Chris Hemsworth surfs…” I sniggered. “Just saying.”

“Also married,” Ethan muttered as he returned wearing casual shorts and a paint-specked t-shirt—his usual attire.

“Not a chance,” Flynn said with a chuckle. “I plan to remain completely anonymous wherever I go.”

I huffed, a little miffed my brother wouldn’t hook me up with some handsome billionaire. “Loser friends it is, then.”

Flynn grinned at Ethan, then me. “It’ll feel just like home.”

Ethan grabbed his chest. “Cuts deep, man.”

“Well, I’m family, so I don’t count.” I regretted the words as soon as they fell out of my mouth.

“Daisy!” Flynn rose from the couch, glaring at me. He considered Ethan more family than friend and would tear anyone down who didn’t…including me.

Ethan pressed his hand against my brother’s chest. “Leave it, Flynn. It doesn’t matter.”

“It does matter.” He brushed Ethan off and moved to the kitchen, becoming larger and more intimidating with each step. “I was only messing around, and you mutated my words to suit your petty rivalry. That’s a dog act, Daisy.”

“What about him?!” I puffed out my chest as I pointed at Ethan. “He knew Vance was cheating and didn’t tell me.”

My brother spun around. “You did?”

Ethan threw up his hands. “For fuck’s sake, Daisy, we’ve been over this.”

Flynn shook his head with a growl. “Can you twopleasesort out your shit? I want to enjoy the last days at the cabin, not listen to you two bicker the entire time.”

Ethan and I grumbled.

“And get to the store,” he added impatiently. “It’ll close soon, and I’ve got a conference call in ten minutes, so I need some quiet around here.”

“Can’t Daisy go on her own?” Ethan whined. “She’s doing all the cooking.”

I narrowed my eyes. He was right, but the assumption pissed me off.

“No, we need snacks,” Flynn uttered firmly. “Ethan snacks, not Daisy snacks. I’m still traumatized by the kale chips she sent me.”

“Hey!” How dare he mock my last care package. “I’m just looking out for you.”

“Well, my blood pressure is fine now, so you can stop fussing.”

I folded my arms. “I’m allowed to fuss. You’re the only family I have left.”

As Flynn’s face reddened with anger, Ethan latched onto my bicep and dragged me toward the front door. “Let’s get out of here before you trigger an aneurysm.”

* * *

As I strategically scanned the aisles of the unfamiliar supermarket, Ethan dawdled behind with the shopping cart.

“Can you keep up?” I threw him a dirty look as I grabbed another item off the shelf and added it to the growing pile in my arms.

“Why are you in such a rush?”

“Because you have a game to get to, and I have to spend the evening cooking our meals for the next few nights.” I placed the items in the cart, beside Ethan’s unhealthy additions.

“Can’t we just cook there?” Ethan grabbed a bag of cheese puffs and added them to the pile.