Page 84 of Fiery Affection

A stupid thing, I know, but it’s the only thing that might work right now.

“Tizio, Avah. Avah, Tizio.” I reach out and grab her, setting her off balance so she lands basically on top of me.

He just raises a brow and takes another sip, but not before I see the smile.

But smiling is the last thing I want to do. “Tomorrow, that photo shoot?”

“A small little engagement party that Rhett booked. He wanted to do it, but says he can’t.”

Tizio leans forward. “Where?”


“Not us, not Lowlanders.” Shit. It’s both good and bad. Good because it isn’t their territory, but bad because it makes her way less safe than if it was De Luca.

“I’ll speak to the relevant people. And I’ll set something up. Real nice meeting you, Avah. Nicolo?”

I stroke her back and follow him to the door. There he pauses, doesn’t look past me to her but lowers his voice. “You still against security cameras?”

“Hate that shit when it comes to my home.”

He sighs. “You might want to look into it if this goes on. Flowers and a small box of questionable panties outside. I’ll dispose of them, but same kinda note.” He pulls a card from his pocket and shows me.

You’re Mine, Not His.


* * *

“She’ll be out soon. And we sent in Matteo.”

I glare at Tizio the next evening. “Matteo’s an underling. Small—”

“Fucking good at his job. You go in, we go in, and if someone is after her, then . . .”

I grit my teeth as the streetlamps just down from us break up the night. Using my woman as bait, even controlled bait, doesn’t sit right. Sure, it was my fucking idea and I’m really beginning to despise it more and more. The pit of my gut churns and I can’t seem to sit still in the van.

If anyone’s watching, they’ll know we’re here. That’s the point. But they don’t know about Matteo. I hope.

This piece of land is in flux to territory, right now it’s border Brisbane, border neutral, and on the other side of neutral is Lowlander.

She’s been in there a while, and we haven’t seen anyone watching. Matteo’s last report was clear.

“Your Avah’s a pretty thing, Nic.” The grin in Tizio’s voice irks me.

“Real pretty,” Diego adds.

“Shut up, both of you. I have eyes.”

They both snicker.

But then Diego looks at me as some guests start to leave. “Any ideas on the stalker? I pushed our fat fuck with the young girl fetish but nothing more. He’s keeping his head down.”

“Should have castrated him.” I glare ahead. “And no. If it was a straight out stalker it’d be one thing, but this is fucking weird. There’s the scar guy. El Cabeza . . .”

“Yeah. We’re working on it. But you have to be careful. Do the wrong fucking thing and Leo’s involved.” Tizio doesn’t need to say another word.

The people from the event trickle slower and fewer, and I pluck the phone from Tizio.