Page 85 of Fiery Affection

“Technically, I’m you’re fucking boss, Nic.”

I ignore him. “Matteo should have called in.”

“Maybe he’s waiting.”

But I shake my head at Diego. “Something feels off. This event is too far back for us to see in.

I call and the phone rings out.

I don’t wait, I’m out of the van, ignoring the other two, sprinting to the building and in through the doors.

Where the fuck is she? There are some staff and a couple of guests and no fucking Avah.

The sign to the bathrooms is clear, but she’s not outside neither is Matteo.

My heart starts to hammer as my gut turns, and all I can think about is what happened to Mia and Blake. I push a waiter out of the way as I race to the back.

I run through the room where the catering staff set up. There’s a back entrance and I head there.

The hall is basic and the backdoor to a lane is open and a guy swears. I grab my gun, not caring except for my instincts screaming at me to go. I can usually turn this shit off. But right now, the off switch is gone. As I round the corner there’s a van with the doors open and a slumped body.



I don’t have time to stop, because someone snarls, “Stupid bitch.”

Avah screams. I reach the back of the van, and a man has her, trying to haul her in the back. She struggles and fights to free herself. I reach for her and pull her the rest of the way free, I give her a shove back while facing off with her attacker.


I punch the guy and slam him over the head with my gun.

Avah still stands there, so I grab her. Diego and Tizio will be coming soon, so I go to drag her away when something whizzes past and slams into the brick in front of us.

I throw her to the ground, when a bullet hits me.

I go down.




Bullets fly.

They sing through the air and my entire body goes numb as I touch Nicolo, who has me pressed to the ground.

There’s blood.


His blood.

On my hand.

He groans and I don’t think, because someone shot the man I might just be in love with. In his hand is his gun and I take it, right as the man with the gun comes for me.