Kate looked up and caught his eye and the two of them grinned at each other like teenagers with a crush, both not believing their own luck. God, he was perfect. Was this really happening?

Before she could get into her own head about it, Emile had flipped them so she was lying on the couch underneath him. With deft movements, he shucked down her shorts until she was entirely naked in front of him. She should be embarrassed, shouldn’t she? This was the first time he was seeing her naked and yet, she felt so comfortable with him that it didn’t feel like a big deal. It kind of felt like they should have been doing this all along.

Even more so, when he guided her knees open and dropped a kiss to the soft skin of her thigh, sending an electric current through her whole body. Once again, he tortured her by moving painfully slowly as he kissed his way up one thigh before swapping to the other, giving her a gentle bite when he got close to where she wanted him, the switch from pleasure to pain causing shockwaves to her core. He didn’t linger on any one spot for long, keeping her guessing. Kate closed her eyes, giving into the maddening pleasure of it.

When she was close to begging him, desperate and needy, all of her nerve endings firing, he brushed his fingers along the seam of her sex and she nearly jumped out of her skin.

“You like that, do you?” he teased, doing it again and making her moan. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

Kate had lost all inability to form words or even think as he slid two fingers inside her, stretching her and pressing on that spot that drove her wild, his other hand splayed across her stomach to keep her still against his onslaught.

They locked eyes and he gave her a wink; that wink that always sent flutters to her stomach when he did it in the cafe but was like tinder to a flame when he had her on the precipice of orgasm. He shifted, bending his head down until she felt the soft slide of his tongue against her sensitive clit. Kate threaded her hands through his hair, pressing his mouth down where she needed it most, and he gladly let her, tracking her slick flesh with his tongue as his fingers filled her. It was too much. It wasn’t enough…

“Emile,” she gasped, her legs quivering around his head, and he seemed to instinctively know what she needed, turning his licks into greedy sucks until she was coming undone against his mouth, on his hand, her whole body shaking as she rode out her orgasm.

When she’d caught her breath, she opened her eyes to see him knelt between her open thighs.

“Kate…” Her name on his lips, in his gorgeous accent, was enough to have her undone, but the way he looked, looming above her, his hair disheveled from her fingers, immediately had her craving more.

And then his hands were undoing his jeans, freeing his hard cock as he pushed them down. Her mouth watered at the sight of it.

“Can I repay the favor?” She wanted it to sound seductive, but it sounded more desperate. She felt desperate. Still recovering from the aftershocks of her orgasm and yet, it wasn’t enough. She wondered if it would ever be enough with this man.

“I would love that, Kate, but if I don’t get inside you soon, I’m going to lose my mind.”

How could she argue with that?

Bending down, he captured her mouth in a kiss again. He may have said that he was impatient, but she saw no evidence of it, other than that which was pressed against her hip, as he kissed her over and over until she was practically panting with lust.

When he pulled away, she could see a muscle ticking in his jaw and he closed his eyes as she ran her fingers over it, the evidence that he was as tightly wound as she was in this moment.

Kate sucked in a breath as she felt the stretch of him entering her, both of them letting out a tandem moan as they joined. His arms caged her in and she gripped his shoulders with her fingers as he slowly started to work his cock into her, the exquisite pressure of it making it hard to breathe. His thrusts picked up pace and he dropped his face into her neck, her arm coming around his shoulders until it felt as though there was no space between them.

She could feel every breath, every beat of his pulse as they moved together, hips grinding against each other in perfect rhythm. She could feel herself tightening around him, could hear the whimpers coming out of her mouth and his encouragement echoing in her ears as he buried himself inside her, both of them falling off the edge together until they were a tangled mess of limbs on the couch.

“Wow,” she breathed as they lay there, neither of them wanting to break apart.

“I know.” Emile lifted his head to grin at her. “We should have been doing that all along.”

Kate couldn’t find the strength to argue with that, or even to remember why they hadn’t been.



“You’re in a good mood today,” Donna commented, as Emile put her salad down in front of her with a flourish.

“Yeah, what’s got you all perky, hon?” Betty chimed in, accepting her own plate. “Dressing on the side?”

“Always,” Emile confirmed. “And I’m always in a good mood when I get to see you ladies.”

“We’re here every day,” Donna pointed out.

“Which means I am in a good mood every day, and isn’t that lucky for me?”

“If you say so.” Betty rolled her eyes at him, but he knew it was done with affection.

“I would like to think the feeling is mutual, Betty. You wound me.”