Page 47 of The Cat's Dom

Caden came back in. “Staying or going?”

Macy nudged her. “Can he stay?”

“Can he make French toast?” she asked.

“Hell, yeah,” Caden said, sliding into bed and then against her.

She wished she had more energy, but the whole day had been filled with excitement.

Both men sighed, and she could tell they were falling asleep.

“We need to find him a woman,” she whispered.

“I heard that,” Caden said.

She smiled when Macy chuckled.

Chapter Twenty-Two

Macy walked around the club, looking for Cat. It was daytime on a Tuesday, so no one but her and the guys was there. She had an unexpected visitor that Macy wasn’t happy about.

He caught her behind the bar organizing underneath it.

“There you are. You’ve got a visitor, Baby.”

“Really, who?”

“How about we go and find out?” he said, holding out his hand.

He wasn’t worried she would want to leave him, but it did irritate him that he was fucking handsome.

They stepped into the guy’s office, and she gasped when the man turned to face her. She didn’t run to him, which pleased him, but she looked up at Macy for permission to touch him. He nodded once, and she laughed, ran for Kane, and wrapped her arms around his waist.

“What are you doing here, Kane?”

“I told your guy I’d stop by sometime, and I received some news I thought I should tell you in person,” Kane said.

Macy stayed relaxed, but if the news upset her at all, Kane was out of there.

“Is it good?” she asked.

He smiled down at her. “Most of it.”

She squeezed Kane one more time and then returned to him and took his hand. He couldn’t have been more pleased.

The man’s eyes widened when he looked over their shoulder. Macy didn’t have to look to see his partners in a line behind them.

Cat looked over her shoulder and then smiled. “Kane, these are my brothers, Link, Caden, and Jake.”

“Well, I see you have plenty of protection,” Kane said.

One of the guys growled, which got Cat’s attention. She turned around to look at them. “Why did you growl?”

“It’s our way of saying hello,” Caden said.

She snorted. “Who growled?”

The men smirked.