Page 13 of Wise

The night he ordered me to save the girl he loves at all costs.

Many times I’ve woken up in a cold sweat, my ears ringing with ugly echoes that refuse to disappear.

But when I see the two of them here together on a day like this, I can keep those shadows at bay.

And the rest of the shadows too.

The ones my mother lives inside of.


“Conner.” Micah is giving me a funny look. He probably knows my moods better than anyone. He’s wearing his prosthetic hand today, something he rarely does. The marvels of modern technology. At a glance it looks completely real.

It’s not hard to force a smile on my face in order to set him at ease. “Bring it in here, both of you. The overbearing quarterback requires a hug.”

Surging forward, I capture one of them in each arm and squeeze, like they’re my kids or something.

Micah mutters something profane but he’s not really annoyed. Tessie giggles and hugs me back.

I release my hold on them before I manage to wrinkle Tess’s wedding dress. “Have I mentioned that you look absolutely stunning?”

“Thanks for noticing,” Micah says. “I even shaved today.”

For his insolence he gets smacked on the shoulder. That’s just how we deal with each other. Nothing but love there, though.

Micah grins at me and reclaims his bride, sliding a possessive arm around her small waist.

“Look at this. Seems like some pre-wedding festivities are carrying on without us.” Dani enters the room with Dash on her hip and Gage right behind her.

Dash gets excited to see his parents and Tess rushes over to take him from her best friend.

Tess cuddles her baby boy and nuzzles his cheek. “My little man. As handsome as his daddy.”

Micah cups a palm to the back of his son’s head. His voice is soft. “Kid, I’m marrying your mom today. Hope you approve.”

Dash gurgles. A line of drool falls from his chin.

That looks like approval to me.

Dani hooks her arm through Gage’s. “We’re approaching the critical hour. Guests are arriving. Micah, your friend Elijah is here. He’s already been captured by Charlotte.”

“But no sign of Marchenko yet.” Gage directs the comment at me with some amusement. “So we’re still missing one member of the wedding party.”

Tess bounces baby Dash. “Haven will be here. Don’t worry.”

Dani shares a look with her husband. “We’re not worried about Haven. What about you, Conner?”

“What about me?”

“Charlotte told us about the procession adjustment.”

“Hey, I’m cool with it.” I shrug to emphasize the point.

Tess hands the baby off to Micah. “You sure you don’t mind the switch? I told Charlotte she had to check with you.”

“Absolutely fine. Haven and I are like oil and water.”

“We know,” Gage says. “I think that’s the point.”