Page 14 of Wise

“What point?”

“Oil and water don’t mix. Like you and Haven.”

“Oh, then that’s not what I meant. We’re like peas in a pod. Or chicken and rice.”

“Chicken and rice? That’s not a thing.”

“Sure it is. It’s totally a thing. Haven and I are the most fantastic of friends.”

Micah decides to chime in. “Careful. Gonna hurt your back shoveling all that bullshit.”

“Funny, moments ago I heard that exact word from your little sister. Now I know where she learned it.”

“Sure. It’s one of my favorites.”

“Hey.” I snap my fingers at Tess. “Aren’t you worried about your bad-tempered bridesmaid going off the rails when she finds out she’s paired with me?”

She shrugs. “Nah. Haven has mellowed a lot. Besides, she never even mentions your name.”

“Is that right?”

“It is.” Tess smiles sweetly. “I’m positive she’s utterly indifferent to your existence.”


“Don’t tell me that bruises your ego.”

“No. Well, maybe a little. I’ve been told on many occasions that I’m irresistible. Did everyone lie?”

“No. You just need a more receptive audience. And your ego will recover.”

“Already has.”

“Tessie!” Dani gasps. “Your lipstick is smeared.”

“Uh oh.” Tess touches a finger to her lips and bats her eyes. “I can’t imagine why.”

Micah smirks at her. “You ought to be more careful how you use your mouth.”

She flashes a wicked grin. “My mouth enjoys being used.”

Dani gets stern, slapping her hands together like a teacher trying to get the attention of her class. “Come on, we need to fix this and we don’t have much time.” She starts dragging Tess away.

Tess willingly surrenders but before leaving the room she puts on the brakes and blows a kiss to her groom. “I can’twaitto marry you, Micah Lyonne.”

He looks at her with raw devotion. His voice becomes a little husky. “I love you, Tessie Belle.”

She tilts her head and gazes at him. “Forever, Micah.”

These two.

I’m no hopeless romantic but they kill me.

I expect I’ll shed a tear when I’m watching their wedding. I’m in danger of letting one fall right now.

With just us boys left in the room, Dash yawns and gets comfortable on his father’s shoulder. He looks like he’d be happy to stay there for a while but it’ll kind of throw a wrench in the plans if he’s napping during the ceremony. He’s an important participant. Tess is going to carry him on the walk down the aisle. Then Micah will hold him while they say their vows.

Dash won’t want to miss that, even if he’ll never remember it.