Page 76 of Brave

The phone vibrates beside me and this time it’s Micah on the other end. The butterflies are instant and I feel myself smiling as I answer.

“I was just thinking about you.”

His deep voice sends a thrill through my body. “Tell me more.”

I get comfortable on my stomach. “Just wishing you were here. It’s kind of a bleak scene right now.”

“Your dad still giving you shit?”

“No, he’s hardly said a word to me.”

“He needs to thaw the fuck out. Why don’t I come over to lighten the mood?”

I start laughing. Then stop. “You’re not kidding.”

“Nope. The least I can do is stand with you in the storm. Let the dickhead try to punch me if he wants.”

“He wouldn’t risk being punched back.” I sit up and swing my legs around. “All right. I’m not going to hide from my daddy like a schoolgirl. What time will you be here?”

“What time do you want me?”

“I always want you.” I bite my lip and wish I could suck the words back in.

But Micah just chuckles and drops his voice in a way that always sends my pulse racing. “I always want you too.”

“Does six o’clock work?”

“Yeah, I can push my car out to West Emerald by then. I’ll even bring a couple of pizzas as a peace offering.”

I try to imagine my father sitting down and eating pizza with Micah. The picture doesn’t leap to mind with ease.

Maybe it’s not so far-fetched, though. He was once friends with Micah’s dad. He’s still friendly with Micah’s mother and stepfather. There shouldn’t be anything strange at all about Micah being here in the house.

“I would love that. Can you make one of those pizzas pepperoni?”

“You got it. And have a bag packed.”

“Why? Do you think I’m going to be kicked out of the house?”

“No. But I know you’re coming home with me tonight.”

No argument here. I can almost hear my feminist independence evaporating. Some sensitive muscles still tingle because of last night. First at the club, then in Micah’s shower, finally in his bed. He’s insatiable and he gives as much as he demands. I’ll even risk Stuart Ballerini’s wrath for more nights of that.

“I’ll see you soon.”

When I hear the connection break, I spend a pleasant minute hearing the echo of Micah’s voice in my head. I can’t wait to see him again.

Those good feelings are interrupted by the sound of a door opening downstairs. Followed by the hostile sound of bickering male voices. Uncle Josh is here.

I feel silly creeping down the stairs like a grounded teenager. They are in the kitchen and there’s an unusual dash of annoyance in Uncle Josh’s tone.

“Come off it, Stu. This isn’t a big deal.”

“Like hell it isn’t.”

“Did you even look at the online chatter? Most people are taking Tess’s side. In case you missed the update, it’s no longer fashionable to shame a woman for having a good time.”

But my father’s laugh is humorless. “I’m supposed to cheer the sight of my daughter acting like a cheap slut?”