Page 77 of Brave

“Don’t talk about her like that. You’ll regret it later.”

“She should know better after all the years I’ve invested in her.”

“Tess isn’t your goddamn doll. She’s a grown woman who is free to make her own choices.”

As much as Josh has always been my ally, he tends to wither when confronted by his domineering older brother. I’m surprised to hear him challenging my father so openly.

The loud exhale comes from my father. His heavy footsteps pace. “Do you know who she was with last night?”

Josh’s voice becomes wary. “Yeah, I heard. So what?”

“He’s Ethan’s son. Let that sink in. ETHAN’S SON.”

“The kid’s suffered a few tough breaks.”

“He’s not a kid anymore. And he’s had his chances. Brings nothing but grief to his mother. Matilda did everything she could with him and still he acts no better than a street punk. Takes after his father in more ways than one. He’s nowhere near good enough for her.”

“Cut him some slack. The two of them have known each other since childhood. And Tess is no fool. Trust her to know what she’s doing.”

My father’s bitter chuckle carries shades of cruelty. “That might be easier if she didn’t make the most immoral choices the first chance she gets.”

His words are like a spike of fury through my heart.

I’ll be damned if I’m going to hide in the shadows and get gossiped about in my own house.

Uncle Josh is startled when I stroll right into the kitchen and take a seat at the breakfast bar, but he smiles.

My father, however, glances in my direction and looks away like the very sight of me shames him.

Folding my hands in front of me, I try to conjure some diplomacy so this doesn’t end up being a shouting match. “Dad, I’m sorry that you feel embarrassed. I’m slightly embarrassed too. But I didn’t do anything wrong and this is not the end of the world. Give it a day or two and people will find something else to talk about.”

He’s listening. I think. At least he stops glaring out the window and actually looks at me.

“I’m disappointed, Tess. My expectations are only so high because you have so much more potential than most people. I don’t want to see you throw that away.”

“I’m not throwing anything away. I was out having fun with a man I like spending time with. That’s no crime.”

As I gauge their reactions, my uncle listens earnestly and gives me a nod of encouragement.

My father’s expression remains stubbornly critical.

I keep my head up and try to sound calm through my anger. “Dad, I’ve worked very hard for you and you know it. Soyouare disappointed? Well, guess what? I’m disappointed that you would turn against me so easily. If you want my resignation then you’ve got it.”

He’s unable to hide his surprise.

And his panic.

His thick neck flushes and he clears his throat.

Then he raises a hand as if he’s been reasonable from the outset. “Let’s slow down here. It’s important that we present a united front right now and-”

“Don’t you dare talk to me about the fucking election when I just overheard you call me a slut.”

He stiffens with shock.

Perhaps he thought his words wouldn’t carry.

Or, more likely, he thought it would be easy to shame me into silence.