Page 24 of Brave

Seeing the genuine distress on his face is really throwing me for a loop. “No. I think he’ll lie low for a while, afraid I’ll go public.” I chew my lip. “What would you have done to him?”

Micah’s eyes narrow. “Grabbed some hardcore pals of mine and dragged the motherfucker through the streets of Em City before giving him what he deserves.”

“And what’s that?”

“Not sure your stomach can handle the details. But he would have learned a very excruciating lesson about what should happen to men who mistreat women.”

When Micah says things like that he’s not just shooting his mouth off. He means it.

“Pierce didn’t hurt me. I swear. He didn’t get the chance.”

Micah grunts and glares darkly at a far corner, brooding over acts of violence he’d like to commit on my behalf.

I allow the blanket to fall from my shoulders. “Can’t we get back to concentrating on something more pleasant?”

His expression shifts away from anger.

I look down and smile at the sight of him growing hard again before my eyes.

He reaches out and toys with my right nipple, coaxing it with his thumb as a tingling shiver rolls through me. “Thought you’d be in a hurry to get out of here.”

“No. Are you in a hurry to get rid of me?”

Micah releases my breast and cups both big hands around my hips, sliding me down until I’m flat on my back. Then he settles on top of me and cages my body between his powerful thighs. “No way. We’re not done. Think I’ll keep you here until I get my fill.”

I wiggle underneath him and enjoy his groan. “I’m waiting to befilledagain anytime you’re ready, Lyonne.”

With a hoarse laugh, he stretches his arm to reach for another condom.



My ass is getting kicked from one side of the ring to the other today.

“Must be one hell of a hangover.” Sean Halligan kicks my ribs while I’m down on the mat. He’s tough and relentless so I like him as a sparring partner.

As a man, I like him less.

He’s enjoying a peacock strut around the ring at the moment because he’s knocked me flat three times in twenty minutes.

This is not normal. He shouldn’t get used to it.

Halligan is still cackling as he bounces on his toes. By this time some of the other boys have taken interest and collected on the sidelines.

This should have been just a standard workout and now I’m getting my clock cleaned. This is newsworthy around here because I’m always on the other end of the equation.

My excuse today is not a hangover. No, there’s another reason why I can’t concentrate for more than three seconds.

I’m worn out after a marathon overnight fuck fest with Tess Ballerini.

The thing is, I’ve had some thoughts about Tess over the years.

Like how nice it would be to interrupt one of her annoying lectures by stuffing my cock in her pretty mouth.

The girl is bossy and self-righteous and she’s full of herself. Always has been. Tess, with her class president goody two shoes pedigree, was constantly held up as an example of how the rest of us should behave. She’s also never understood how sexy she is.

The combination ends up being an inevitable fantasy. The kind where she’s on her back and the only thing she’s capable of saying is my name while I blow her uptight little mind in ways she never thought possible.