Page 25 of Brave

Last night that became reality. Now I’m having a tough time thinking about anything else but the way she yelled,“Fuck, Micah. FUCK!”while she thrashed around under me.

What a surprise to find that the girl who obeys every rule ever invented and demands that everyone else does the same has a secret freaky side.

An even bigger surprise to discover that she likes the rough stuff.

Tess was on fire the second I touched her. She’s feisty as hell once she takes her clothes off. Being inside of her was such an insanely tight fit that I almost lost my freaking mind trying not to come too soon.

Seriously, it’s going to be a LONG time before I get over the way that pussy felt.

We were at it for hours before we both finally passed out. I’m terrible at sleeping. It’s an issue that predates my prison time but got a whole lot worse when I had to share space with violent maniacs. Ever since then I can’t fall asleep with anyone else in the room. I don’t remember falling asleep beside her, but when I opened my eyes the sunlight was cracking through the window edges.

And there was Tess, buttoning up her stained dress and announcing she needed to leave because she had Things To Do.

I would have behaved decently, maybe stopped somewhere to get her coffee and breakfast.

She wouldn’t allow it.

Tess was in a rush to escape the east side so she could return to running her shitty father’s life for him. The whole drive downtown, she stayed huddled in the passenger seat with her knees pressed together and kept her head turned to the window, like the sight of ugly Em City was enthralling.

The parking garage where she left her car was right next to the campaign headquarters but she ordered me to drop her off two blocks away. She didn’t want to be seen doing the walk of shame after getting dumped off by the inked bruiser who fucked her stupid last night. No, that would be her worst nightmare.

I get it. But it still pissed me off.

And I refused to leave her on the side of a city road like a bag of garbage. That’s why I ignored all her protests and pouting and sped through the parking garage until I located her Lexus, screeching to a halt right behind the car while she fumed.

Her hand was already on the door handle, prepared to eject, when she tossed her hair and said, “Thank you for the ride.”

Kind of a funny thing to say, considering last night she’d eagerly ridden everything from my hand to my dick to my tongue.

That’s why I started cracking up and couldn’t stop.

This made her mad.

She dove out the door, slammed it shut, and jumped into her own car like she was being chased by Freddy fucking Krueger.

What am I supposed to do with that?

It’s like she won’t let menotbe an asshole.

Anyway, Halligan has benefitted from my wandering thoughts. He’s an adequate fighter but he can never get the upper hand with me. Not unless I’m distracted by pornographic flashbacks of Tess Ballerini fingering herself on my bed and pleading for my cock.

“WHEW!” Halligan bobs around with a whole lot of unnecessary footwork. Makes him look like he’s dancing badly or having a seizure.

He tries to deliver a round kick but this move is a weakness of his.

I dodge with ease.

Halligan pivots, sneers. “Don’t worry, you’ll be eating the mat again in a minute, Lyonne.”

Eh, fuck this guy. He takes me down a couple of times and gets all kinds of cocky.

I don’t have much tolerance for trash talk in the ring. If a man has to crow about what he can do in the middle of a fight then it’s a clue he can’t really back it up with action.

I take a jab with my left hand but it’s a bluff and he falls for it, evading with a cackle. He’s so hopped up on his own ego that he’s shocked when I follow through a second later with a brutal right overhand punch that lands square between his brows. His eyes flutter, rolling back to show the whites, and he crumples like a sack of dirt.

I’ve already turned away when I hear his body land with a thud. There’s some dry laughter all around. Halligan isn’t a favorite around here.

Some backslaps slow my progress as I head for the locker room.