Page 67 of Rule

“Oh.”Where is this going?

“Yeah. I’m telling you, he thinks he’s above everything because he passed the vetting process—”

“He did?” Interrupting, but still trying to act casual, I sip the last of my nonexistent coffee.

“Yeah.” He shakes his head as though he’s deep in thought. “Somehow, he has no skeletons that anyone can find in his closet. Do you need more coffee?” He frowns at me as I set my cup down with a rattle.

“No, I’m fine.” Taking a deep breath, I try to school my features into looking calm.

“The thing is, no one doesn’t have some kind of secret. He can’t be perfect is all I’m saying. My dad is fishing around. He’s on the board, you know.” Jordan pulls his phone from his pocket to look at it.

“I thought you said he passed. If he had a secret, they would have found it.”

“Not necessarily. I mean, it’s pretty casual. Run his name through the system, interview a few of his colleagues, that kind of shit. But he fucked with my dad, so…”

I frown and shake my head.

“What?” He looks at me as though I should be on board with this.

“That’s horrible, Jordan. And why would you want to be on his team if he doesn’t want you?”What the hell is wrong with people? Does nobody wish anyone well anymore?

“What are you talking about? Alex, he’s a genius doing groundbreaking work. The people on his team are going to be able to write their own ticket. I deserve to be on his team.” His leg starts bouncing again.

Shaking his head at what I guess is my stunned face, he continues, “Oh, relax. If my dad found anything on him, he’d just use it to urge Dean Powers into doing the right thing.”

“Which is bribing him to put you on his team.” I stare at him, wondering why I’m only now seeing what a pig he is. That old saying keep your friends close but your enemies closer seems fitting right now.

“Exactly.” Sipping his coffee, he nods at his buddies as they leave.

“Okay.” I shrug. “But I think having your dad trying to find dirt on him… is wrong.” I reach for my backpack.

“You’re kidding, right?” He snorts. “Why are you defending him? He thinks you’re an idiot, you know.”

“What?” I stop packing my laptop to stare at him.

“Yes, Alex. He made a comment in our meeting about me dating you. I could tell he disapproves. Christ, maybe he likes to suck dick, and that’s why he won’t let his team have relationships.”

I blink at him. “Who he sleeps with is no one’s business,” I snap, completely uncomfortable.What the hell?

“Nah, he can’t be gay. They’d have found that out. Also, Alex, you’re naïve to think who Dean Powers fucks is not a huge issue. That’s why Professor Jenners is pissed. He thought he had a chance since he’s twenty years older and married with kids. It’s all sorts of drama.” He stands up with me, helping me put my backpack on my shoulder.

My head spins. “What exactly did he say about me?”

“I can’t remember it word for word but…” He reaches for the door to hold it open for me like he’s a nice guy, when, in fact, he’s a spoiled brat, thinking he’s entitled to everything because of his last name.

“I asked why he passed on me, and he called in one of his lackeys, asking him if he parties or has a girlfriend. Of course, the loser said no. Then he said your name and talked shit about me not having the work ethic he needs for his team because I’m in a fraternity.”

I stare straight ahead. “When was this?”

“A couple of weeks ago, the day you dumped me.” He shakes his head.

“Jordan.” I grab his arm to stop him because he needs to understand me. “I didn’t dump you.We’re friends.” My voice sounds bitchy even to my ears, but I’m surrounded by vipers: first my sister, and now Jordan.

“Yeah, I get it. But I like you, really like you, and I thought…” He rubs the back of his neck.

“I like you too, but not in that way.” I start to walk again.

“Let me try again. How about dinner tonight?”