Page 68 of Rule

I take a breath as I enter the engineering building. “I can’t. I need to finish my paper for English,” I say over my shoulder, wishing he would go away. I have a horrible feeling something bad is going to happen.


Sighing, I turn to face him.

“If you just want to be friends, I’m down with that.”

“Thanks, Jordan. I think it’s for the best.” Though I’m trying to smile, I can’t stand the sight of him anymore, so I dart into the classroom, purposely not looking at Brett, going straight to the back where there’s only one seat.

“It’s too crowded up there.” Jordan grabs my arm, stopping me at a table that has only one person at it.

Oh God,please, please, don’t let Brett be watching,I chant as I quietly sit in the middle seat and Jordan sits next to me.

“You know what really sucks?” he grumbles. I almost scream,Shut up, Jordan, but I take a deep breath and suck it in. This is already a mess, and I don’t need to make it worse. I know Brett’s looking at me. I can feel it.

“It doesn’t even matter if my dad finds something. He’s still gonna get the Nobel Prize, probably.” He snorts, then coughs out, “Shit. Heads up, he’s coming.”

“Jordan.” His deep voice makes my heart skip a beat and face heat up.

God, I’m so screwed. This is all so bad. I’m falling for him, like I might never recover, and I can’t have him.

“Dean Powers,” Jordan mumbles as he takes out his laptop.

“Alexandrea?” My heart pounds. Swallowing, I look up at him. “You missed your office visit this morning. See me after class,” he demands.

I nod, trying not to be obvious, and stare at him as he walks away.

“Dick,” Jordan says under his breath.

“Maybe you should just drop the class,” I say.

Jordan turns dramatically in his chair to look at me. “Screw that. I’m not dropping; although, you should. Dean Dickhead is glaring at you again.” He snickers, and I wonder if I’m in the twilight zone, or if this is just a bad dream. It’s like Jordan is trying to antagonize Brett.

I turn and swallow as my eyes lock with his ocean-blue ones, and suddenly, I know I’m fucked. Because Dean Powers doesn’t look mad; he looks furious, making my heart pound and my pussy clench. Something might really be wrong with me. Like I’m sick and only he can cure me.Why does the thought of him dominating me arouse me like this?

I’ve come to need it so much that it’s ruined me for all others. For the hundredth time, I wonder if people can see it on my face.

God, I shouldn’t have had so much coffee this morning. That, and I should have gone to his office. Why did I talk to Jordan? He’s ruined everything, and all I can do is sit in agony.

I can’t focus.

I can’t type.

Only half listening to him as he lectures, I squirm in my chair. This is absurd. I’m on edge, and what’s worse is that I seem to love it.Just breathe, Alex.What’s he gonna do that he hasn’t done already?

I lick my lips and gaze down at my computer, almost willing time to stop. Yet it doesn’t, and I jump in my chair at the sound of Jordan standing.

“You want me to go with you?” he asks, and I almost burst out laughing. As ifthatwould go over well.

“No. I forgot I made an appointment to ask him a question this morning. It’ll only take a minute.” Lies, they flow so easily from my mouth these days.

My eyes shoot over to where he stands. A god instructing mere mortals, and unfortunately, most of them are women who hang on to his every word.

“Look at him, thinking he’s all th—”

“Jordan.” I cut him off as I stand. “I’ll see you around,” I snap.

My eyes focused on the skinny blond girl moving closer to him. She laughs at something he’s said. Visions of me grabbing her bleached roots and jerking her ten feet back fill my head as I walk up to him and wait.