Page 66 of Rule

She’s right. Everything she said is true. We are breaking rule number one. I smile, making my way to my car. Fuck it. Rules are made to be broken.


“Can I get you another coffee refill?” I blink at the guy in the green apron staring down at me with a couple of muffins in his hand.

“Oh.” Straightening in my seat, I glance down at my cup. “I’m okay. If I need another, I can get it. Thank you, though.” I smile at the clearly disappointed barista.

“You sure? It’s no problem, I’m heading back that way.” He smiles, pretending to run in slow motion.

“I’m sure.” I laugh, stopping when I see a group of guys walk in. “I’m good,” I say again, looking down at my laptop screen, wondering if I should pretend I don’t see him.

This is ridiculous. I’ve apologized to Jordan so many times this week, I can’t do anything more. I felt bad and told him that, yet he said it was fine. But clearly he’s still holding a grudge if the death stare he just gave me is any indication.

I sigh, then drink half my coffee in three gulps so I can go stand in line with him and a couple of his buddies I recognize from the frat party.

“Hey, Jordan.” I peek around his shoulder. He looks back, nods, then stares forward.


Annnd perfect. I look down at my coffee cup and try again. “Can we talk for a second? I’ll buy you a cup of coffee.” While I’m standing here trying to be cheerful, his buddies snort and walk up to the counter to order.

“Nah, Stan’s buying,” he says, straightening his glasses, still looking straight ahead.

“O-kay. Well, enjoy.”

I shake my head. He’s making me feel like the worst person. It’s not like I was dating him. He’s a friend, for God’s sake. Yes, I forgot dinner, and I apologized. That’s pretty much all I can do. Returning to my table, I take my seat. Great, now I’m almost out of coffee, and I can’t get more until they leave. Crossing my legs, I look down at my phone.

BRETT: Morning, beautiful.

My pulse leaps to my throat, and I can’t help but smile. I love when he uses endearments. Glancing around, I pick up my phone and text.

ME: Morning.

Not gonna lie, the last two weeks have been the best of my life. I straightened everything out with my parents, informing them I met a guy. My dad wasn’t happy, but my mom was thrilled, so that balanced it out. I’ve barely had to see Skylar since I’m hardly at her place, and when I am, she’s either working or locked in her room playing depressing songs over and over.

What started out as dinner morphed into a thing—we’re kind of a couple. Well, a couple who hides inside his house, but come on. He’s the most exciting, brilliant man alive, so being tucked away in our own world suits me fine.

BRETT: Dean Powers is in need of you.

I grin. He’s so deliciously filthy. I prepare to type.

“Who are you texting?” Jordan’s voice makes me let out a little shriek, and I drop my phone.

“Holy shit, you scared me,” I say, my face instantly heating as I reach down to retrieve the phone and plaster on a smile. Great, the whole café is looking at us.

“I thought you saw me,” he grumbles, plopping down in the chair across from me.

Clearing my throat, I set my phone facedown. His eyes follow my every move.

“Look, I’m trying not to be a dick, but I have a lot of shit going on.” He slumps forward and bounces his leg up and down, then sits up.

“Again, I’m so sorry.” I smile supportively, ignoring the vibration on my phone that another text has come in. I mean, I can’t jump up and leave him. That would be awful. He looks around the café, then at me.

“You know who my dad is, right?”

I take a small sip of the last of my cold coffee and nod. “Yes, why?” Jordan does tend to brag. And I’m already going to be in trouble for keeping Brett waiting. My pussy pulses at the thought of that.

“Well, he donates a lot of money to this school.” He moves closer. “He personally asked Dean Powers to put me on his team, and the fucking arrogant prick said no.”