@StruckbyStardom: Vague posts suck.

@WhisperEyes14: Brad and Teagan? That’s HOT AF!

@Deathtothesystem: Gross! The man’s a wh*re, and she’s too young.

He set me up.

Paxton knew exactly what he was doing. Playing it cool like he didn’t have a giant advantage.

A Boy Scout? Seriously?

No doubt this whole idea was plotted to boost his ego and show us how much better he is.

I turn over my shoulder and shake my head, causing Teagan to laugh.

“Of course, he’s perfect at making a fire, too.”

“Too?” Her lips pucker. “What else is Paxton perfect at, Mal?”

I bite my bottom lip and pray to God that my cheeks are not as pink as they feel. Maybe the sun beating down on us is enough to cover my blush.

Doubtful. Teagan sees too much, apparently.

“Nothing. He’s perfect at nothing.”

“Sure.” She winks, and I lift a finger in protest.

“No. No winking. I didn’t mean it like that.” I drop the log and sit with my legs crossed, trying to bring myself to center.

“I might not be a rocket scientist, but even I know that man isn’t lacking in any department.” Teagan’s words catch me off guard.

Something twists in my gut. I don’t like the fact that his charm is evident to everyone. It’s dumb, but it’s true. I hate the thought of women swooning over him.

“He lacks personal skills. He’s an ass.” I say it just to put that negative thought in her head, which is just plain wrong.

She has every right to form her own opinion of him. Just because he treats me like he does, doesn’t mean he’s like that to everyone else. In fact, that’s half of my issue. He’s a gem to anyone who isn’t me.

“I don’t know him, but from what I hear—”

“Yes, I know.” I huff. “He’s perfect at that, too.”

Her eyes widen, and her lips tip up. “Well, I’m just repeating what I heard. If you say he’s an ass—”

“I do.”

At that, Teagan giggles again. “You’re funny.”

“Ladies . . .”

That voice. That damn sexy voice. Always washing over me at the wrong time. Doesn’t he realize I’m over here trying to convince myself that he’s Satan incarnate?

He will be the death of me.

“Let me show you,” he says, bending down to my level.

“What?” I ask, dumbfounded.

He gestures to the pile of wood behind me.

“Let me show you how to start a fire. I’ll teach both of you.” He looks up at Teagan, whose smile is so large, you’d think he handed her the damn sun.

“Why bother with me? I’m not in the movie. Show her.”

He smiles. “You never know when you will be stranded in the wilderness and need a fire.”

“Never,” I grunt.

“Stop being difficult, Mallory. He’s just trying to help.” I look over at Teagan as if she’s a traitor.

“Fine.” I throw my hands in the air. “Show us.”

With a chuckle, a smirking Paxton sits down next to me, and Teagan joins.

The early afternoon sunlight peeks through the trees, cascading across his face.

In another world, in another place, I might have been able to carry out a torrid love affair with this man on this shoot.

Especially knowing how skilled his fingers are. It would be a nice way to spend my evenings.

Jeez, Mal, you’ve been reading too many romance novels.

I stifle a groan, wondering what the hell is wrong with me. I’m not that kind of girl. I don’t fawn over a handsome man, and I sure as hell don’t practically come undone when one is illuminated by the sun.

I’m losing my grip, and I blame this island.

His proximity has me hyperaware and practically panting.

“Teagan, gather some wood. You’re next,” he says. “Brad, watch me teach Mallory, then you will emulate it with Teagan. If you don’t understand, I’ll be here to guide you.”

I’m about to suggest he work with Teagan so that when Brad joins the party, they’ll be ready to run lines, but when he moves up so that his chest is touching my back, I forget all rational thought. The idea of pushing him toward Teagan is long gone.

His body's warmth makes me feel dizzy, but when he speaks in that low and gruff tone, the vibrations work through me, and I almost pass out.

“Take the sticks and rub them together.”

My hands shake as I try to follow his commands, and he must see it because he reaches out to help steady the wood. His hand brushes against mine, and all I feel is fire lightning from within—a burn I savor.

“No, Mallory.” My name rolls off his tongue sinfully. “Like this.” His hands wrap around mine, and I stop breathing. I turn to look over my shoulder, and our gazes lock. Neither of us blinks, but his fingers start to caress mine as he works to light the branch.

“Just like that.” His voice is husky, and I shiver.

“Holy shit, you guys nailed it. Don’t fucking think about kissing her!” Brad’s voice acts as a bucket of water.