Pax’s hands drop, and before I know what’s happening, his heat is gone, and I’m left cold and shaky.

I hardly notice when Brad gets behind Teagan. I miss what prompts her to belly laugh. My attention is fixed on my hands, devoid of Paxton’s.

Teagan fails miserably, and I can’t focus enough to help.

Now that filming is over for the day, I can relax. It might have been tense in the beginning, but it all worked out, and I think they nailed the scene.

The friendly competition kept the energy levels high today and made all the difference. Teagan and Brad looked like different people out there. Connected and vulnerable.

No one fought.

They nailed it.

After yesterday, I call that a win.

Granted, yesterday was shit. The leaks just keep coming, and I intend to get to the bottom of it. My bet’s on the creepy cameraman, who always seems to be leering.

“Mallory.” I look over my shoulder and see Natasha standing there.

“Hey. What’s up?”

She better be here with some spin on the story. Something to change the rumors and make things turn around.

As Natasha approaches, I take her in. While the rest of us are dressed to get dirty on an island, this woman is perfectly put together, with hair perfectly coiffed and a full face of makeup. I wonder if she’s the type of girl Paxton would go for and immediately hate myself for even caring.

She’s exactly the type, and it’s none of my business.

“I want to discuss yesterday and how we spin it.”

“And you want to talk to me?” My eyes narrow in on the beautiful woman. “Should I get Teagan?”

She puckers her perfectly filled-in lips. “That’s the thing. I’d like to pitch the idea to you first.”

“Oh, okay.” I move closer to her, watching as everyone heads toward craft services one by one.

After today, I’m starving, but I guess it will have to wait. This is more important than anything. Without a positive spin, this film is in great jeopardy. I didn’t come all the way out here to live in a dilapidated hut for nothing.

Natasha moves closer and pulls out her phone. “I spoke to Paxton.”

Of course, she did. Was she in his bed while talking?

Stop it, Mal.

“And he thought it would be a good idea for us to show the cast and crew getting along. I know you’re all trying behind the scenes, but we need the public to see it, too.”

My head bobs up and down. “Agree.”

“I took some pictures.”

It feels like I’m hit over the head with a sledgehammer as it finally dawns on me what today really was. It was a setup. The competition was all a ploy, concocted by a dashing Paxton and this woman.

They decided together that Paxton teaching Teagan and me how to light a fire would look good—his tenderness . . . all a damn show.

I’m such an idiot. I fell for his charm—hook, line, and sinker.

Later in the day, everyone joined us, and Paxton went about showing off his skills. Hell, even Teagan’s mom participated. It was all for show.

For the camera.

The whole thing was manipulated.

Not that I’m surprised.

But I am something . . .


Yeah, that’s what the heavy feeling in my chest is. I’d felt like Paxton and I had a breakthrough. Like maybe we were turning a corner.


Paxton is a dick.

I lift my hand and run it through my hair. God, I’m an idiot. “And?” I ask, pissed I didn’t know.

“I want to release them.”

“I’m not seeing why you need my permission. You obviously have Paxton’s. Are you planning to ask Teagan?”

“No, I don’t have to. Per her contract, she signed off on promotional pictures.”

My hands land on my hips. “Well, technically, that’s not what she had in mind.”

“Sure, it is. Rehearsing scenes to build hype is often released to the press.” She picks at her red-painted nails.

“Then why do you need to talk to me?”

“You aren’t an actress, Mallory.” Her hand waves in the air like she’s talking to a moron.

“You need my permission to release the photo.” Now I understand, and the understanding has my hands clenching by my sides.

“Yes. I’ll need you to sign off on using your picture. We’re trying very hard to spin the narrative that everyone on set is friends. Not just Teagan and Brad. I’ll also need Theresa’s permission since she and Stefan’s fight was the most recent incident. We need everyone on set to look happy.”

I narrow my eyes. “Couldn’t it lead back to the press that this is a setup?” My voice is sharp, my disdain evident.

“Oh, no one will see it. It’s just for the files.” She smiles broadly.

“Sure. You have my permission. I’ll sign.”

“Great.” She walks to an empty table and rifles through her phone.

Her emails, most likely.

It’s taking forever, though, and I’m starting to get annoyed. I haven’t eaten since last night, and I swear I’m starting to get dizzy. My stomach keeps rumbling. Thankfully, it’s loud enough outside that no one can hear its sounds.