My voice crackled with desire. “And what do you mean?”

“No sex. Just—”

“I will have my cock inside of you too.” I placed her on the bed, crawled on top of her, and captured those perfect lips.

Our mouths melded together in an urgent embrace.

Our tongues intertwined in a dance of passion, speaking a secret language that only our hearts could translate.

She moaned into my mouth, sending shivers down my spine.

Breaking the kiss, I slowly roamed my hands over her body, exploring every inch of her skin, feeling the heat of desire rising like a flame between us.

Her pulse quickened beneath my touch.

A deep growl left me.

I wanted my queen.

I needed her in the most primal way.

I ached for her with an intensity that shook my body.

It transcended mere physical longing and consumed my soul.

Ending the kiss, I rose and gazed at my queen. Her soft features illuminated by the moons’ light streaming in from the windows. A surge of love and passion moved through me.

My veins burned with a fierce energy. “Queen. . .you know that I would do anything to protect you, to keep you safe from harm.”

“I do know that, and I would do the same.” She raised her head a little and tried to kiss me.

I tilted away. “This bond. . .it must always remain.”

She leaned her head back against the pillow and widened her eyes.

“It cannot come and go whenever you want it.” Wild lust washed over me. “Do you understand?”

She swallowed. “Yes.”

“Our blood bond feels so good when it is in place.” My fangs pushed out of my gums in anticipation of what was to come. “And when the bond is taken away. . .it is like. . .I am close to death.”

She parted her lips.

“I need to be in your mind, your body. . .as much as I can.” I inhaled her skin. “If there was any other way to be inside of you, Queen, I would do that too. Step into your heart. Live within your rib cage. Sleep within your soul.”

Her blood began to sing a new melody to me.

I raised my eyebrows, listening.

This song was loud and melodic. Dipping and rising. Teasing and inviting.

I groaned.

The air grew thick with her blood’s intoxicating scent.


I breathed her in and realized this scent was new too. It tingled against my skin, shoving me off the edge of insanity.

My sweet blood mage.

“I. . .” Her bottom lip quivered. “I promise to never take the bond away again.”

“You must. I do not know. . .if I could ever let you take it away again.”

It is a miracle that I allowed us to go this long without it.

Camille gave me a sad smile. “The bond scared me.”


“I felt. . .so desperate for you and obsessed and. . .my thoughts were not my own—”

“Those thoughts are mine, Queen.”

She blinked.

“They are.”

Her heartbeats increased.

The sound drove me mad with pleasure.

“But, as you know. . .the bond makes me just as obsessive too.” I looked at the white dress that hugged her curves lovingly.


I pushed my black claws out of my fingertips. The sharp tips glimmered dangerously in the moons’ light.

With a swift motion, I tore at that dress with frenzied energy, shredding the material until it was nothing more than ribbons and tattered fragments of cloth.

She gasped under the noise of fabric ripping. “Xander. . .”

Soon, her perfect body was revealed.

Camille’s eyes searched mine, and I knew that she longed for me just as badly as I longed for her.

Our passion was a wildfire, consuming everything in its path.

Tenderly, I traced my claws down her body.

She shivered underneath those sharp tips.

With one hand, I cupped her breast, feeling the hardened nipple against my palm.

With the other, I caressed her inner thigh, moving ever so slowly towards her center.

Her breaths became shallow as I teased her with light strokes around her pussy’s sensitive folds. “You are mine, and I am yours. Nothing can ever change that.”

Her blood hummed. “Nothing.”

I gently parted her folds with my clawed fingers, making sure to not cut her, yet. . .savoring every shiver that rippled through her body.

As I spread her open, I feasted my eyes on her swollen clit.

A dark guttural growl escaped my lips.

She stirred. “Take off your clothes too.”

I couldn’t move my gaze from that clit. My mouth watered. My cock stiffened. “Patience, Queen. First, we must re-establish the blood bond.”

“Do it while you fuck me.”

My head grew foggy with lust at the request.

Her voice lowered to a soft plea. “And I want to touch your horns.”

My body was hers. Those horns came out without my needing to trigger them.

She had simply incited their reveal.

Inch by inch, they spilled out of my head, thick and hard. Pleasure waved through my body as the sharpened horns began to curve.

I groaned.

She blinked. “Does it feel good when they come out?”